hello everybody ,my name is ''',happy to introduce myself to you .
i am pretty easygoing and i really like to make friends .i am also very exteiorior
and curious about something that i don't know .i am fond of sports and often go out to exercise . there are three people in my family and i really appreciate that we will become good friends.
谁能用英语介绍一下英国A country of western Europe comprising England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. Beginning with the kingdom of England, it was created by three acts of un...
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谁能介绍一些关于基金的一些知识基金就是 专业的机构利用您的资金去股市替您专业炒股或者通过其他理财方式替您理财,取得利润以后按照基金购买合同进行分配利润的一种理财方式; 购买:1、通过银行柜台购买,到银...
用英语简单的介绍一下饥饿游戏用自己的话说中英都要饥饿游戏的主人公是一名叫凯特尼斯的女孩,她为了自己的妹妹,参加了饥饿游戏,24名参赛者中,只有一名可以获胜,她用爱与勇气,感染了所有的人,与 她的男友,成为了明星恋人,继而,她成为了...
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用英文谢谢用英文简单介绍辛亥革命这部片谁能Late 19th early 20th century , the Qing Dynasty Empress fate of nearly three hundred years , internal and external, civil unrest , it is the occasion of chaos ,...
简单用英语介绍自己我叫**,我13岁,我有一个幸福的家庭,家里有妈妈,爸爸,姐姐,我,我妈妈长得矮矮的瘦瘦的她爱看,我爸爸长得又高又瘦他爱看报纸,而我和姐姐都喜欢玩电脑和听音乐。 My name is **, I am t...
谁能用英语来介绍一下流行音乐Pop is short for popular, and it's remained the defining term for the ever-changing music favoured by the public. Although not specifically applied until the mi...
谁能用英语介绍一下美国 50字左右急用The United States in the North Central and North America also includes the territory of Alaska and the Pacific northwest of the Hawaiian Islands in Central. Nor...