

02月23日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[如何写一份优秀的留学推荐信]推荐信在美国留学申请中是一项很重要的材料。对于如何得到成功的推荐信,大家各执一词。致使很多申请人在索要推荐信时非常迷茫。 当你请教授为你写推荐信时,不知老师会写什么?...+阅读

Recommendation for XXX Dear Sir or Madam:As the Physic teacher of Miss Han, I have known her for 4 years during which time I've shaped a overall image of her. Generally, she's included in the category of top-notch students I've ever acquainted with. Thus, I'm happy to give an introduction outlining her junior high school life here, to enable you to assess her suitability for acceptance to your esteemed university.开头固定模式,介绍推荐人与被推荐人关系,简要提到推荐人的职位(最重要的一个)7a686964616fe4b893e5b19e31333262376132。

这一段力求简练精干。 I taught Miss XXX, where she left me with an impression of her intellect, industry and independent thinking. During the 2 years in my class, both her assignments, which are meticulously finished, along with test scores on Physics subject almost always come out excellent. On the whole, she performed fairly competitively in most subjects in junior high.这一段是从第一个侧面来描述被推荐人,本文是从学术角度评价被推荐人的。

With a different frame of reference, I'd like to focus the picture on her merits of art talents and perseverance. Her active participation and many awards in art contests guide me to speculate about longtime practice of playing piano and painting which has later been confirmed by her. It seems that her serious attitude toward school courses has something to do with the art practice. Though suffering from a broken arm since an accident in a sports activity, she didn't give up practicing piano and finally passed the certificate exam of that year. Having conversed with her parents about the story, I come to understand this connection.与前段不同,该段描述了被推荐学生在艺术上的才能,但在下面一段我们更进一步叙述了被推荐学生应用其艺术才能为团队做贡献的实例,可谓一石二鸟。

Not only does she exhibit many talents but also employs them to aid the class in various activities. Assigned to take charge of activities related to arts, she fulfilled her duties pretty well in selecting songs for the chorus, teaching them word by word and finally accompanying their vocals in the contests. Besides, another case would prove her an able student to balance and make schedules. Even with approaching final exams and heavy courses work, she still kept classroom bulletin board updated by tips about courses and instant news about campus. Probably she takes it as a manner in which her painting skills could be applied while class activities were assisted.最后强调了被推荐人良好的平衡能力,即使学业紧张,但仍出色完成工作任务。

XXX has been a real asset to Beijing NO.XX middle school, both in academics and in extracurricular activities. I am quite sure that she will prove equally valuable to your university, and am convinced that she will prove an outstanding undergraduate student. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require further information regarding this remarkable student.最后一段仍然是模式化的语言。


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