[介绍各国的特产美食]中国的饮食文化渊源流长,一个菜系的形成和它的悠久历史与独到的烹饪特色 分不开的。同时也受到这个地区的自然地理、气候条件、资源特产、饮食习惯等影 响。有人把“八大菜系...+阅读
Pizza is the most famous Italian dish all over the world.
Its name comes from Piza,an old Italian city.It is famous for the Leaning Tower of Piza.In pizza,there are lots of things,such as mutton,butter and pepper.It is delicious.In general,pizza is a mixture of lots of nourishing and tasty things.So it is a popular food all over the world.
Spaghetti is also a tasty Italian food.
The powder and call of the western species, close to the Chinese diet Yong was on the face of the origin of the Roman also said that the Marco Polo · Sicily from China through the whole of Europe to lecture in the level of legal materials Duran Mak is rigid wheat varieties of high protein high density tendon degrees, the characteristics of the body surface to surface yellow cook i good shape and in addition, the powder is also the snails bend in the butterfly in the shape of a total of 100
the Italy Pasta is an ancient food—not so ancient that it predates written records, but no one was taking notes when this popular food first came onto the scene. Scholars credit the Chinese with making pasta from rice flour as early as 1700 B.C.E. The pasta-centric Italians believe pasta dates back to the ancient Etruscans, who inhabited the Etruria region of Italy (the central western portion of Italy, what now are Tuscany, Latium and Umbria) from the Iron Age into Roman times (from the 11th century B.C.E. to the 1st century B.C.E.). Around 400 B.C.E., they began to prepare a lasagna-type noodle made of spelt. The Romans who followed made lagane, a kind of lasagna, from a dough of water and flour. However, both the Etruscans and the Romans baked their noodles in an oven, so boiled pasta had yet to be born in Italy.
意大利葡萄酒品牌介绍Sassicaia西施佳雅,新派超级托斯卡纳酒,它所选用的葡萄品种是85%赤霞珠(Cabernet Sauvignon)和15%品丽珠(Cabernet Franc),经法国小橡木桶发酵成熟。酒体呈深红宝石色,拥有丰富的浆...
关于意大利的英文介绍Of all European countries, Italy is perhaps the hardest to classify. It is a modern, developed nation. It is fashion in style, it leading the way with each seas...
能介绍一下意大利歌曲吗苏莲托 《 重归苏莲托》是一首著名的意大利歌曲。它由G·第·库尔蒂斯作词,由埃尔内斯托·第·库尔蒂斯作曲。词、曲作者是兄弟俩,哥哥作词,弟弟谱曲。它的曲调和歌词都优美、...
介绍一个美食的作文今天,我介绍一种美味的点心----小笼包。 要从哪儿开始介绍呢?那就应该从我第一次吃小笼包说起…….。 有一年春节,妈妈带我去豫园观灯。看完灯会,我们便去吃夜宵。妈妈说:“我带...
介绍一种美食美食作文400美味米线 过桥米线是云南的风味小吃,我对它是情有独钟,这不,刚上完课妈妈便带我到路边的一家米线馆去吃米线。 店主先随手抓起一把事先准备好的米线,放在漏勺里在开水里烫上2分...
印度特色美食有哪些印度美食文化介绍拉西 拉西即印度酸奶。旧德里贾玛清真寺门口的小摊上,装满酸奶的土陶罐整齐地排列着,食客用完酸奶就砸碎陶罐,免除了摊主洗碗的麻烦,同时还很卫生。由于印度菜的主菜多为羊肉、...