

03月03日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[关于春节的中英文介绍参考]春节是中华民族最隆重的传统佳节,但你对它了解多少呢?下面是小编搜集整理的关于春节的中英文介绍参考,希望能满足大家的阅读需求。更多精彩内容发布尽在,敬请期待。 chinese peo...+阅读


Baseball is a sport played between two teams usually of nine players each. It is a bat-and-ball game in which a pitcher throws (pitches) a hard, fist-sized, leather-covered ball toward a batter on the opposing team. The batter attempts to hit the baseball with a tapered cylindrical bat, made of wood (as required in professional baseball) or a variety of other materials (as allowed in many nonprofessional games). A team scores runs only when batting, by advancing its players—primarily via hits—counterclockwise past a series of four markers called bases arranged at the corners of a ninety-foot square, or "diamond." The game, played without time restriction, is structured around nine segments called innings. In each inning, both teams are given the opportunity to bat and score runs; a team's half-inning ends when three outs are recorded against that team.



1. The Status Quo and Development Thinking of Colleges and Universities' Baseball and Softball Game 普通高校棒垒球运动现状与发展思路研究 2. Analysis on Feasibility of Developing Baseball and Softball Games in Higher Education Institutes of China and Countermeasures; 我国高校开展棒垒球运动的可行性分析及其对策研究 3. hit a three-base hit, in baseball. 点击朗读 棒球运动中作三垒打。 4. hit a one-base hit, in baseball. 点击朗读 棒球运动中作一垒打。 5. hit a two-base hit, in baseball. 点击朗读 棒球运动中作二垒打。 6. the base that must be touched first by a base runner in baseball. 点击朗读 棒球运动中跑垒者必须首先触到的垒。 7. the lines a baseball player must follow while running the bases. 点击朗读 棒球运动员跑垒时必须走的路线。 8. he worked the picher for a base on balls. 点击朗读 自由上垒是棒球运动的一个规则。

9. Study on the Scientific Selection of Chinese Elite Baseball and Softball Athletes; 点击朗读 中国优秀棒、垒球运动员科学选材研究 10. (in baseball) the batter's attempt to get on base. 点击朗读 (棒球)击球手的攻垒动作。...


English Vocabulary Word ListBaseball (40 Words) * ball * cap * bat * batter * bunt * catch * catcher * coach * curve * dugout * fence * field * umpire * first baseman * foul * foul line * four ball * glove * helmet * hit * home plate * inning * left fielder * major league * minor league * pitch * pitcher * right fielder * run * runner * scoreboard * second baseman * short stop * slide * steal * strike * strike out * third baseman * throw * walk...


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