[给老师的初中毕业赠言]给老师的初中毕业赠言 动身的时刻到了,让我们走吧!不必惋惜,也无需告别,纵使歌声渐渐地沉寂下去,我们的心也会永远地跳荡不息。 老师,三年的时光已悄然过去。也许我曾让您头痛,也...+阅读
Self Introduction My name is Zhao wen. I was born in Beijing in 1993 and now I was 13 years old. There are five people in my family now: my grandparents my father, my mother, and I. I love the members of my family very much. ………… I was the only child. And when I was small I usually play with my friends in the park. I am a very easy-going man. So, I have a lot of friends. I love English, because it's one of the most famous languages in the world. In the future, I have a good dream, my dreams are going to America for further education and devoting myself to communication. So, in order to make the dream come true, I'll try my best! I believe through my hard working, I am sure the God will provide better chances for me to build up my future career and personal characters. That's all, thanks.
A letter of recommendation
Dear Sir/Madam,
As a teacher at English Schoolof Foreign Studies, I am writing to provide you a recommendation for Yangyue, who is a very diligent and disciplined student in our school. In the school, she respects the teachers and gets along well with her classmates. As for her studies, she works very hard and gets high marks in every exam. Besides that, she is also quite capable and creative in many activities. So I strongly recommend she visits the schools in Melbourne.
I would greatly appreciate if you could give her the opportunity. Should you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.
你好 我为你写啊 你自己改一下啊,你改一下,我还有以校长名义写的。到我的新浪博客大文化使者去看,之后告诉我你的邮箱啊 我发给你。 To Whom It May Concern I am fortunate as Beijing No.XXX High School's class adviser and very pleased to give you recommend a good school our high school graduates Miss XXXX . 我有幸作为北京XXX 中学的班主任,非常高兴地给您推荐我校的优秀的高中毕业生XXXX 。 I am privileged to write and support for my student, Miss XXXXX . Miss XXXX studied in my classroom for close to three years, during which time I witnessed her tremendous growth and development. This development came not only in the area of studying achievement and leadership, but in maturity and character as well. 我很荣幸地写信和支持我的学生XXXX。 XXXXX 在我的课堂近3年,在此期间,我亲眼看到她巨大的增长和发展。
这种发展不仅学习领域在和领导的地区,以及在成熟的方面。 Since her classmates, my fellow teachers, and I will always hold her in the highest esteem, I sincerely recommend Miss XXXX as the school ideal candidate for our outstanding student at Beijing No.XXX High School. 在她的同学中,各位老师中,我将永远保持在很高方面尊敬她,我衷心地推荐XXX 是我们学校的理想人选,在我们北京XX 中学的优秀学生中。 I recommend Miss XXXX to you with her absolute confidence. She has made me proud, as her teacher and student, and I am sure will continue to do so as her grows in your University of XXX. 我推荐XXX,她是绝对的信心。她使我感到骄傲,因为她的老师和学生,我相信将继续这样做,她会在XXXX大学里成长。 Sincerely, DU XXX Beijing No.XX High School's class adviser 杜XXX 北京XX中学班主任 May 10,2010
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给初中英语老师的介绍信Self Introduction My name is Zhao wen. I was born in Beijing in 1993 and now I was 13 years old. There are five people in my family now: my grandparents my fath...
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