

03月16日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[介绍一种商品说明作文]我的文具盒 我有一个漂亮又实用的文具盒。那是我过7岁生日的时候,表姐送给我的生日礼物。我非常喜欢它! 这个文具盒是用塑料做的。盒盖上面画着青青的草,红红的花,还有一棵古老...+阅读



this is my friend,she name is Judy. her is 12.her think the most interesting class is;music.the most difficult class is math .the most exciting sport is play basketball.

her hobby is play the piano.


this is my friend,he name is jack. his is 12.his think the most interesting class is;music.the most difficult class is math .the most exciting sport is play basketball.

his hobby is play the piano.


我叫xx,xx市xx区人。毕业于XXXX学校,现在。 在高中阶段曾我曾担任XXXX一职。今天我竞聘班长这一职务。对我来说,既是一个考验,也是一个展现自己能力的机会。我有着一颗不折不扣的责任心和对我们班的满腔热情。我爱我们这个集体,为了集体,我要竭尽全力的去做,我将和我们的同学团结协作,与时惧进,不断创新,共同构建一个和谐的大家庭。 班长,我认为应该是老师与同学之间的桥梁和纽带,它既要向老师反映同学们的合理建议,又要向同学们传达老师的意向。如果当选,我保证做到任何时候,任何情况下,都以集体荣誉为重,集体利益为重,同学利益为重。我会与班委成员一起精诚团结,互促互补,充分调动大家的积极性,共同为我们的班级营造一个和睦,团结,向上的良好氛围。

我相信我会是一个民主的班长,高中阶段担任学生干部的经历,使我积累了一定的工作经验。它培养了我强烈的责任感,能够认真对待每一件事,能用一颗平常心,及时发现并公正地解决处理每一个问题。假如我当选,我会以饱满的热情和积极的心态去完成所有工作。在不断提高自身素质的同时,集思广益,大胆创新。我的治班纲领是;以情联谊,以德治班。在此基础上制定班委工作的整体规划和具体的实施细则;并且推选代表对实施过程进行监督,责任到人,奖罚分明。常规性工作要由班委会集体讨论决定,重大决策必须经过”全民”表决。我保证做到有过或者无功,我将立即自动辞职。 我真诚希望系领导相信我的能力,给我这次展示的机会,也恳请领导对我的监督和考察。



My mom is 38 years old mow,she has a pair of pitch-black eyes and hair. She doesn't look very beautiful and tender,but her nose looks nice and she's a little bit fat.When I take a good look at her,I can see her winkle which was appeared by concerning about me. Besides,there has already accrued some white hair.I suppose it is.Maybe my mom is just a normal person in other's eyes ,but in my heart,she is a great mom.


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