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[帮帮忙。。。推荐一下金融学论文的题目我想找个好的论题]你可以到幸福校园论文网站上看看,那里有好多金融学论文,你做个参考. 国际金融学的研究对象和内容 [目录] 1.首先,究竟国际金融学的研究对象是什么? 2.其次,国际金融学研究的内容...+阅读


Reagent management system is a computer and can be composed of reagent repositories of information collection, transmission, processing, preservation, maintenance and use of the system. It measured a variety of reagents warehouse.试剂管理系统是一个由人和计算机等组成的能进行仓库中试剂信息收集、传输、加工、保存、维护和使用的系统。它能实测仓库中各种试剂的情况。

The system is mainly through the use of reagent management system (MIS) of the method, information processing and storage of reagent information resources to conduct comprehensive, systematic management. Throughout the system development process, the use of the basic concepts of software engineering, related technologies and methods. And the use of the system life cycle, structured programming methods to the various stages of the entire system development (system analysis, system design, system implementation) of the basic activities through them.


The system hopes to establish through the reagent management system, streamline the information gathering process reagents and flow, so that the reagent storage management more perfect, so that all functional management information system assisted in the work, to improve the overall management of level; hope to existing human, material and financial resources based on the play further business advantages, allows businesses to expand market share, improve the competitiveness of the company. The system uses the ASP language and SQL2005 database development and design




and high diagnosis accuracy ratio.These features make neural network technology an important asset in intelligence fault diagnosis.

After consulting numerous relevant documents,which has the widest range of application so far,as the target of study,the TE(Tennessee Eastman)process is introduced to make a simulation test study on BP neural network technology.The final results validate that the BP neural network technology is effcient in fault diagnosis.

Key words:fault diagnosis,BP nerual network, TE process,knowledge-based

自己翻译的,etc.In-depth analysis indicates that fault diagnosis that is knowledge-based is superior in its application in the field of fault diagnosis,this paper reviews fault diagnosis methods as well as summarises and analyses the range of application and the developing trend of fault diagnosis,neural network technology has the characteristics of real-time operation,excellent anti-jamming ability. The paper provides theoretical and experimental study on the use of BP neural network technology as a fault diagnosis method.In order to verify the importance of the BP networkWith the rapid development of modern industry and scientific technology,the structure of modern equipment has become increasingly complicated.The safety and reliability of operating modern equipment have become a major concern of the society.Among the techniques.The paper uses the BP neural network technology


Fire is the city of greatest risk to persons and property, the consequences of one of the most serious disasters, only in respect of a City T City from 1997 to 2007 years of statistical data analysis, the average annual number of fire as high as 420 times the average annual economic losses caused millions of dollars. Great harm has been caused by the fire departments and research institutes extensive attention. City fire fire, the development of very complex factors, including environmental factors; such as overcrowded housing, housing structure, too many flammable materials, the aging transmission lines, overload, circuit, device short-circuit, illegal construction, and field wind speed, air humidity, etc. weather conditions and so on. By natural factors on the impact of urban fire departments related to cognitive gradually began to meteorological factors on the city to study the impact of the fire. In this paper, T city in 1997 and 2007 meteorological data analysis, including monthly average temperature, monthly mean relative humidity, monthly mean wind speed, rainfall, on fire frequency.


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