

11月30日 编辑 fanwen51.com



I want to share with you some difficult news about my future plans. Later today, I will announce that I he resigned from Microsoft and will be taking a position in a different filed. It is not without a hey heart that I contemplate leing the incredible work and extraordinary people that I he been privileged to encounter during my four years at Microsoft.

Together, we he acplished what some might he thought could not be done. In a few short years, we he defined a clear and stable strategic framework for Microsofts business in the Greater China region. We he nearly doubled sales and he broken through the $1 billion mark in revenue in GCR. In China itself, we he tripled our sales in the last three years. Including those of covered OEMs, and we are posed to hit $ 1 billion in FY08. we he reduced the UPC rate by more than 20%. We he added hundreds of new people and expanded our operations to more than 15 locations across the region. We he strengthened our customer and partner relationships and transformed the way people view Microsoft, not just locally but all around the globe as well.

Most importantly, weve been able to use our technology to help improve the lives and livelihood of millions of people throughout the Greater China region. I he learned from each of you along the way and you he made my experience at Microsoft one that I will never fet.

While change always es with its share of unknowns, there is one thing that I he absolutely no question about, and that is this anizations ability to continue the great work that weve begun. We he a well-thought our transltion plan in place and some of the finest leadership in the team and in our strategy with the Big Rocks plan in place. I he no doubt that in the very near future, Microsoft Greater China region will no longer be talking about breaking through the $1 billion but about the $5 billion mark.

At 4 PM today, we will he an all-hands meeting in the Millennium Building to discuss my plans and the transition in more detail. In the meantime, Id like to express my deep thanks to every one of you in the Microsoft Greater China region for your hard work and for your contribution to our continued success.



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