[英语辞职信模板大全]英语辞职信模板大全 篇一: Dear all friends, I would like to take a moment to let you know that I am leing XXX(公司名) and tomorrow will be my last working day. Th...+阅读
辞职信内容应包括简单对所在公司及领导的感谢,并表明辞职原因并表达歉意,最后再致歉并送上简单祝福。第一段首先致谢:I am grateful to be employed as 职位+时间。Thank you for your kind attention and I would appreciate the opportunity of having worked here。 第二段表明自己要辞职,列出原因,比如离家远想换到更近的位置;工作不适合自己等等。现在给大家一个例子:However, I regret having to resign from my position。 The reason for changing my working plan is that I have expected the job to be interesting and challenging, which turns out to be the opposite。 As a young man full of enthusiasm, I therefore decide to quit this job for something else。可以根据自己的具体情况给出自己的理由,切不可千篇一律。 第三段简单表明希望得到允许、歉意及祝福:I sincerely hope that you approve of my resignation。 I am sorry for any inconvenience caused。 Wish you and your company great success in the future。
英语辞职信模板精选英语辞职信模板精选 篇一: Dear (Employer Name): This is to inform you that I he accepted a position with (new pany name). I want to express my gratitude for a rew...
辞职报告表格是怎样的辞职报告表格是怎样的 很多朋友在文章的开头标题不知怎样写才好,其实并不那么复杂,本站提供辞职报告表格格式供大家参: 辞职申请通常有五部分构成: 一、标题 在第一行正中写上...
考研英语辞职信模板考研英语辞职信模板 Dear XX, I am writing this letter to apologize that I will quit the position as (职位) for the reason of myself. During the span of working h...
英语辞职信模板第一篇 Dear Mr. Please accept my resignation as associate chemist at the GERT Institute. I plan to lee my job here on September 30, 19, taking a few days of ann...
2015英语辞职信模板第一篇 Dear After months of reviewing the outlook for the pany in the wake of this economic downturn, I see no other alternative than to resign my position as c...
辞职信模板英语英语辞职信模板范文一: Dear sir, I would like to I intend to quit from this job due personal reasons. My last working day will be Dec 25. Thank you for all your h...
2015考研英语辞职信模板Dear HR Leadership: I regret that I give my official resignation to the pany I came to the pany just three months, and Im very honored to be able to bee a membe...
英语的辞职信怎么写能提供个模板吗都已经辞职了,还管什么形式啊。简短的如下 Dear sir, I would like to I intend to quit from this job due personal reasons. My last working day will be Dec 25. Thank...
正规辞职信格式是怎样的辞职书格式是首先应当写明辞职人的姓名等具体信息;其次,写明辞去的职务以及辞职的理由;写明任职单位负责人姓名;最后,写明表示歉意的语句以及写明日期并签名。 因为工作的不顺心...