[关于教师节的英语手抄报内容]教师节的英语作文:Teacher'Day(中英文对照) 教师节-Teacher'Day It is Teachers' Day on September 10th every year. Teachers are the greatest people in the world, I thin...+阅读
The UK and the USA are all English-speaking countries. However, the vocabulary, pronunciation and spelling of British English are different from those of American English. American English spelling is more phonetic. Also, the festival, the diet and the culture of the UK and the USA are different from each other. The festival in the USA and the UK are similar, but some festivals in the USA don't exist in the UK. New Year's Day (January 1) Valentine's Day (February 14) St David's Day (March 1) St Patrick's Day (March 17) Easter (March 21-April 5) Good Friday (Friday before Easter) Lady's Day (March 25) April Fool's Day (April 1) Queen's Birthday (April 21) Shakespeare's Day (April 23) May Day (May 1) / Labor Day (The first Monday in September) Mothers' Day (the Second Sunday in May) Halloween (October 31) Hallowmas (November 1) Christmas Eve (December 24) Christmas Day (December 25) Boxing Day (December 26) In the UK there is a kind of breakfast called Continental Breakfast, and a kind of lunch called Sunday lunch. The British often eat potatoes and French fries, which the British call "chips". The American people is made up of immigrants, so they eat food from all over the world, like French fries, spaghetti, pizza, hamburger and hot dog. A lot of food comes from foreign countries, so you can't pronounce them with phonics. Dinner is considered as the biggest meal of the day, and they have appetizers, soup, entree, salad, dessert and beverages. There are all kinds of food, like French food, Asian food, Californian food, Pennsylvanian food, Louisianan food, etc. In the USA there are four time zones, while in Britain, there is only one time zone. What you often hear the British and American people say are: "Allow me", "Excuse me", "Sorry", "Thank you". Whichever country you go to--be it the UK or the USA, please remember, when in Rome, do as the Romans do!
教师节手抄报素材不要诗歌急啊!教师是太阳底下最光辉的职业。 ——[捷克]夸美纽斯 教师不仅是知识的传播者,而且是模范。 ——[美国]布鲁纳 为别人照亮道路,自己必须放出光芒——这就是人的最大幸福。 ——[...
教师节英语手抄报内容教师节英文手抄报内容: 教师节简介: Teachers Day, September 10th, this is the teacher's day in China. It is celebrated since 1985. It expresses respects to the labo...
关于教师节手抄报老师,尊称传授文化、技术的人,泛指在某方面值得学习的人。老师一词最初指年老资深的学者,后来把教学生的人也称为 “老师”。《师说》中:“师者,所以传道受业解惑也。” 我国有悠...
防溺水手抄报!防溺水手抄报的填充资料,希望对你有所帮助! 1.首先应保持镇静,千万不要手脚乱蹬拼命挣扎,可减少水草缠绕,节省体力。只要不胡乱挣扎,不要将手臂上举乱扑动,人体在水中就不会失去平...
防火防溺水手抄报在一天之内这是作业!家中起火,不要慌张,应根据火情及时采取相应措施:如果炒菜时油锅起火,迅速将锅盖紧紧盖上,使锅里的油火因缺氧而熄灭,不可用水扑救。 房间内起火时,不能轻易打开门窗,以免空气对流,形...
小学手语文手抄报内容读《童年》有感 每个人都有属于自己的童年,不管它是快乐的,还是令人厌烦的,它都使我们一生难以忘怀。童年反映了我们儿时的喜怒哀乐,我想这么些个喜怒哀乐早已在我们幼小、纯洁...
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办手抄报八开纸春联是梨花院落溶溶月, 柳絮池塘淡淡风。 爆竹声声辞旧岁, 红梅朵朵迎新春 东风吹出千山绿 春雨洒来万象新 生意兴隆通四海 财源茂盛达三江 山清水秀风光好 人寿年丰喜事多 和...