

02月20日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[圣诞节英语儿歌]圣诞节英语儿歌:Gingerbread man 姜饼人 Sing humpty dumpty, dickery dan! 歌唱小小生意人! Sing hey, and sing ho, for the gingerbread man! 嘿,吼,为姜饼人而唱! His smil...+阅读

歌曲:[题目:I'm Dreaming of the White Christmas(我渴望着白色的圣诞)]

I'm dreaming of the white Christmas,(我渴望着白色的圣诞,)

Just like the ones I used to know.(就像我曾度过的圣诞一样。)

The tree tops girlsten ang children, (树梢灯光闪闪,)

Listen to sleigh-bells in the snow.(孩子们听着血橇铃响。)

I'm dreaming of the white Christmas,(我渴望着白色的圣诞,)

With every Christmas card I write. (写着圣诞贺卡一张张。)

May your day be merry and bright,(愿你的生活永远愉快、安康,)

And many all your Christmas be white(愿你年年过着白色的圣诞。)


Christmas is on December 25th.People in many countries celebrate Christmas.They often eat turkey and Christmas cakes and give each other presents.(圣诞节是在12月25日,人们在许多的城市来庆祝圣诞节。他们经常吃火鸡、圣诞蛋糕,并且互相赠送礼物。)

On the morning of Christmas Day,children alway get up very early and open the presents in the stockings.They think the presents must be from Santa Claus!Then everyone gives gifts to each other. Late that day,families usually have a bag get-together with a special dinner. They usually gree each other and say,"Merry Christmas!"(在圣诞节的早上,孩子们通常都会很早起床,在长筒袜中找到礼物,并打来它。他们认为这礼物一定是圣诞老人送来的!每个人都会互相送礼物。那天晚些时候,家家户户通常都会举行一次大会,享用圣诞大餐。他们经常互相问候:“圣诞节快乐!”)


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