

06月30日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[关于冬天的英语小报]There are four seasons in a year.Which is my favourite one?Of course winter!Why?Let me tell you. Winter is the season of festivals.The New Year's Day,Christmas...+阅读



答案补充 顺便补充几句6年纪social学的,

Capitalism was created by Adam Smith, he talks about individualism, A.K.A. capitalism. which became Amercia's economic system nowadays.

Communism was created by Marx, he talks about sharing, group. Which was used by USSR (Sovient Union) and PRC (china).

basicly those two theory are conflict. 答案补充 额...自己检查一遍>_<; 居然打错了

修正:two *theories*

-sigh- y do i always type wrong=3=~

o well, hope ya like the answer~~lol~


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