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[高一英语作文求职信范文芳]求职信/求学信:例文 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter applying for a position of a company. You should write at least 120 wo...+阅读

小五英语听力材料 U4---U6 U4 P47 Let's try ---What can you do,Mike? 迈克آ你能做什么أ ---I can sweep the floor,I can cook the meals, 我会扫地آ我会做饭آ I can clean the bedroom and I can water the flowers. 我会整理卧室还会浇花。 ---Great. You're helpful. 真棒。你很有用。 U4 P50 Let's try 1.I can make the bed , I can do the dishes and I can empty the trash. 我会铺床آ我会洗碗还会倒垃圾。 2.I can sweep the floor , I can cook the meals ,and I can wash the clothes. 我会扫地آ我会做饭آ还会洗衣服。

U5 P59 Let's try ---I have a new room. 我有一个新房间。 ---What's it like ? 什么样子的أ ---There is a big shelf and a big desk, there are blue curtains. 有一个大书架和一个大书桌آ还有蓝色的窗帘。 U5 P65 Let's check 1.There're three rabbits in the hat. 帽子里有三个兔子。 2.There is a long snake on the hat. 帽子上有一条长长的蛇。 3.There're five rats behind the hat. 帽子后面有五只老鼠。

4.A small hat is beside the big one. 一个小帽子在一个大的旁边。 5.There is a hat in the monkey's hand. 猴子的手里有一个帽子。 U6 P71 Let's try ---It's a beautful nature park.There is a lake and forest. 它是一个美丽的自然公园。那里有一个湖和森林。 ---Is there a moutain ? 有一座山吗أ ---Yes ,there is. 是的آ有。 ---Is there a river? 有一条河吗أ ---No , there isn't. 不آ没有。 U6 P77 Let's check 1.---Is there a lake in the nature pake? 在自然公园里有一个湖吗أ ---No , there is a river . The water is very clean. 不آ有一条河。

水非常干净。 2.---Are there any tall buidings in the village? 在村庄里有高的建筑物吗أ ---No, there aren't.There are only small houses. 不آ没有。只有一些小房子。 3.---Is there a forest in your village? 你的村庄里有森林吗أ ---Yes ,there is.There are many beautiful trees. 是的آ有。那里有很多漂亮的树。 4.---Are there any bridges over the river? 河上有桥吗أ --Yes ,there are two bridges. 是的آ有两座桥。

复习2 P82 Listen and choose 1.There are mountains behind her village, there's a river near her house, there's a new air-conditioner in her bedroom, she cleans her bedroom everyday. 她的村庄后面有山آ她的房子旁边有一条河آ她的卧室里有一个新空调آ她每天打扫她的卧室。 2.There is a lake beside his village, there are many trees in front of his house, there is a big trash bin in his kichen, he can cook tasty meals. 在他的村庄旁边有一片湖آ他的房子前面有很多树آ在他的厨房里有一个大垃圾桶آ他会做好吃的饭。

3.There is a forest near his village, there is a road beside his house, there is a man under the tree, he often waters the flowers. 他的村庄旁边有一片森林آ他的房子旁边有一条大路آ在树下有一个男人آ 他经常浇花。 4.There are many pathes in her village, there is are new curtains on the window of her house, there are many new skirts in her closet, she washes the clothes every weekend. 在她的村庄里有很多小道آ在她房间的窗户上有新窗帘آ在她的衣柜里有很多新的裙子آ 她每个周末都洗衣服


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