

02月21日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[小学六年级下册语文第四单元作文450字左右]学会生存 这件事告诉我一个道理,不要吃陌生人的食物,当遇见坏人时,要保持冷静,以做到自我保护的事。 记得一个星期四的下午,放学后我高高兴兴地往家里走去。当我走到居委会时,看到...+阅读

My ideal house

My house is located in a small countryside. It is made of brick and reinforced concrete.

In the house, a first floor has very big windows. In my beautiful living room .there will be a sofa, fireplace, piano. I will drink tea and coffee with my good friend .I can hear music .

In my beautiful kitchen, there are a micro-wave oven, wall-closet, fridge, sink and water-tap. There will be a long table, cupboards and kitchen utensils.

In the second floor, there are two bedroom.

a bathroom and a I like a very big study room. There are sofa ,closet ,table lamp ,bookshelf.

In the third floor, There are bedroom, a big balcony and big sky light .

I love my ideal house, do you like it?



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