

12月27日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[七年级上册语文29课盲孩子和他的影子的生字词注音及解释]词语 注音 意思 嬉戏 xī xì 欢快地玩耍 哞哞 mōu mōu 形容牛的叫声 潺潺 chán chán 1.形容溪流、泉水等流动的淅淅沥沥的声音,表现出一种幽静的环境。 2.形容水流动的...+阅读


( ) 1、A.only B.ready C.July D.sunny

( ) 2、A.other B.son C.brother D.almost

( ) 3、A.land B.after C.snack D.bad

( ) 4、A.pen B.open C.very D.spend

( ) 5、A.walk B.talk C.wall D.half

( ) 6、warm A.car B. quarter C. park

( ) 7、.short A. work B. for C. worker

( ) 8、term A. teacher B. her C. mother

( ) 9、little A. like B. is C. five

( ) 10、up A. pupil B. under C. unit


1、these(单数)( ) 2、I(宾格)( )

3、us(主语)( ) 4、 small(反义词)( )

5、fried(形容词)( ) 6、just(同义词)( )

7、run(现在分词)( ) 8、Let us(缩写)( )

9、her(人称代词)( ) 10、watch(第三人称单数)( )

11、near(反义词)( ) 12、buy(同音词)( )

13、first (基数词)( ) 14、teacher (动词)( )

15、woman (复数)( ) 16、 policeman (对应词)( )


( )1、 They sing the song ()the music room ( )four o`clock.

A. at in B. in at C. in on D. at on

( )2、What will they do ( )?

A. one B. first C. frist D.the first

( )3、It( ) me about ( )hour to get there.

A. take a B. takes a C. takes an D.take an

( )4、( )the weekends ,I often play the piano.

A. At B. On C. In D. With

( )5、How many ( )can you see ( ) the park ?

A.peoples in B. people on C. peoples at D. people in

( )6、These( )my relatives

A.is B.are

( )7、She ( ) to play in the park.

A.like B.likes

( )8、I have ( )been to Ocean Part.

A .yet B.already

四、 按要求写句子

1、 你的日常饮食比我的日常饮食健康。(译英)

2、 He likes his job very much.(改为一般疑问句并做肯定回答)

3、 did, you, what, for, have, yesterday, breakfast(连词成句)

4、 We need a little sugar.(改为否定句)




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