[2017中考语文作文素材]2017中考语文作文素材【1】 太阳隐去,夜幕降临,一轮空灵的月亮悬挂在空中,向大地倾吐着光辉。 蛐蛐也不鸣叫了,沉醉其中,回味着那已过去的光阴。 临近盛夏,天气渐渐闷热起来,当最后...+阅读
Dear Zhang,
I am really sorry to tell you that I was unable to attend your birthday party yesterday evening. That is owing to the fact that my old friends visited my house without telling me
the exact time. I had to entertain those friends with my passion in the entire evening,and I will continue to entertain them in the following two days.
I really regret that I hent go to celebrate your birthday personally and had missed a wonderful chance to enjoy myself with our kind colleages. I he prepared a pretty gift to
you yesterday and will send to you this afternoon to show my best birthday wishes. Besides, I trust that you will understand me.
Best wishes,
yours sincerely,
Dear ___________,
I am truly sorry that_________________________(道歉的原因).
The reason is that ______________________________________(介绍原因) Once again, I am sorry for any inconvenience caused. Hope you can accept my apologies and understand my situation.
2 Yours sincerely
Li Ming
I am writing this letter to express my regret
I am writing to apologize for
I would like to give you my apology for
I must apologize about (not) doing sth
Please accept my sincere apology for
I am writing to say sorry for
Once again, I am sorry for any inconvenience caused.
Please allow me to say sorry again.
I sincerely hope that you will be able to think in my position and accept my apologies. I want to let you know how regretful I am feeling now.
Dear ___________,
I am truly sorry that_________________________(道歉的原因).
The reason is that ______________________________________(介绍原因) Once again, I am sorry for any inconvenience caused. Hope you can accept my apologies and understand my situation.
2 Yours sincerely
Li Ming
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