My Day 英语作文 May first is a Sunday. And it is the Labor's Day. My mother said to me :“Open your eyes!And look out of the window. What a fine day! Let's go to park,” So my mother, my classmate and I went to the park. We took some foods in my schoolbag. On the way to the park. I saw the blue sky with snow-white clouds. I saw pear trees and some apple trees and so on. Below the trees, there are several kinds of flowers. It's colorful, blue, red, yellow, pink, purple, orange and white. I saw some balloons and butterflies in the sky. I ate popcorn, cornflakes, banana and lollipop. They were wonderful. In the afternoon, we went to the zoo. I visited the birds, mice, cats, dogs, budgies, hamsters, rabbits and so on. May Day is my favorite day! My Day 英语作文 I had a wonderful holiday at spring festival . I went to the park with my friends . We met at eight o'clock at the school gate . We went to the park by bike .It was a beautiful day . We sat under a big tree and chated with each other . We took about some movies and some fun things . We had lunch there . We ate hamburgers and some drinks , but I know they are not healthy and not good for us . Then we played some games . We were all fell tired ,but we were very happy ! It was great fun !
迎接挑战才能创造人生的精彩高中800字作文别人做不到的,我们未必也做不到。 正如林肯的父亲认为以低价买到一座有石堆的农场,认为场主就不能把石头挪走,那么他也就无能为力了,然而林肯的母亲和孩子们在一起征服了这座小...
我需要一篇600字的作文以挑战为命的1、 人生秘不可测、险不可测。一步步向前迈进,都是一次次的挑战。我即将实现一个艰难的跨越,从小学到中学的跨越,从表面到实质的跨越,从童年到少年的跨越,从约束到自律的跨越,从心...
如何迎战初二的挑战为话题写作文 600字人生如山,文似看山不喜平.平缓的山,固然是一种安逸,但它也是一座失败的山,充其量不过是一座土丘. 人生如海,海上无风三尺浪.无浪的海面固然平静,但它是一片失败的海,充其量也只是一...
刻苦学习迎接挑战作文300字左右自信,是灵魂的防腐剂;自信,是成功的钥匙;自信,是走向成功的阶梯;自信,是成功的第一秘决. 每个人都想获得成功,读书希望成绩优秀,演戏希望得到赞赏,经商希望赚钱,做工希望超额完成任务,执...
关于挑战的作文给你个范文吧 挑战自我 当你俯身拾起易拉罐,放进垃圾桶时,一次道德挑战悄然而过; 当你为妈妈打来一盆水,默默为她洗脚时,一次亲情挑战悄然而过; 当你心平所和原谅他人过错时,一次人...
一篇关于挑战的作文500字挑战 严峻的挑战是成功的起点。 ——题记 每个人在自己的人生旅途中难免都会面临挑战,挑战大,挑战小,是高兴,还是沮丧。 一个人,在面临着挑战时,绝不可作退缩,不管挑战大,还是小,一旦...
关于人生需要挑战作文急急急!佛曰:一花一世界,一叶一菩提。 ——题记 遥望历史的星空,繁星点缀的天际如同一条流光溢彩的丝带飘舞着,那舞动的光辉书写着一个又一个的人生传奇。 要知道,生活并不像作家形容的...
向生活挑战作文600字!向生活挑战 ,,四季更替,春华秋实。漫漫人生路,我们艰苦跋涉,纵然荆棘丛生,风雨交加,也要如雏鹰般挑战自我--刚毅走出。遍体鳞伤也好,体无完肤也罢,因为至少我们明白人生是在无限挑战...
向生活挑战为话题的作文700字生活需要挑战 人生之路并不总是洒满阳光,也会常常遇上荆棘。人们总是向往一帆风顺、春风得意的日子,但那不可能一成不变。生命的车轮在一次次地经历挫折后,才能更加稳重。不经...