[简单小学英语绕口令]简单小学英语绕口令[1] She said she should sit. She sells sea shells on the seashore. The seashells she sells are seashells she is sure. Shut up the shutters and...+阅读
A: Right, that ends the third and final part of our presentation.
Id like to end by emphasizing the main points.
Ill give you a brief summary.
There are three potential areas for development in the future: domestic, overseas market, and the inter.
Each of these markets he their own particular need for marketing strategy.
for domestic, we can rely on past research, for overseas markets we depend heily on our cultural consultants, and for the inter, we need to redo our image to appeal to a young set of consumers.
Our main issue here is that we need to be sensitive to the needs of different markets in order to continue to see success.
Mark, did you he anything to add?
B: Yes, I want to restate one more time the importance of reinventing our panys image to appeal to different customer bases.
I want to end with a true story that has to do exactly with what weve been talking about today.
That wraps up the last item on the agenda.
Before we close, are there any questions? Fine.
In summary, I think we agree that this quarters domestic sales figures show a marked trend in microwe sales.
Sam, Id like you to follow up on that, please.
Lets see where this is heading.
Jane, thank you for the prehensive PR status report.
I understand there are still a few problems to be worked out, but we all trust in your ability.
Ladies and gentlemen, the new design is satisfactory.
Lets keep Action ahead of the game.
Finally, I appreciate your ments and suggestions about the Canadian sales outlook.
This is our first opportunity to promote our products in North America, so we certainly want to cover every detail.
Well, then, that covers everything.
I make a motion to close the third quarterly meeting of Action Appliances.
Is there a second?
That wraps up the last item on the agenda.
Before we close, are there any questions?
Fine.In summary, I think we agree that this quarters domestic sales figures show a marked trend in microwe sales.
Sam, Id like you to follow up on that, please.
Lets see where this is heading.
Jane, thank you for the prehensive PR status report.
I understand there are still a few problems to be worked out, but we all trust in your ability.
Ladies and gentlemen, the new design is satisfactory.
Lets keep Action ahead of the game.
Finally, I appreciate your ments and suggestions about the Canadian sales outlook.
This is our first opportunity to promote our products in North America, so we certainly want to cover every detail.
Well, then, that covers everything.
I make a motion to close the third quarterly meeting of Action Appliances.
Is there a second?
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