

03月03日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[简单小学英语绕口令]简单小学英语绕口令[1] She said she should sit. She sells sea shells on the seashore. The seashells she sells are seashells she is sure. Shut up the shutters and...+阅读

月工作总结英语:Summary of nurses work

In January, the director of the hospital leaders and head nurses words and deeds, concerned about culture, help and cooperation in support of colleagues, I continue to strengthen the ideological and political education, the work of excellence, the successful pletion of the tasks themselves, people ideological and political quality and work ability are achieved some progress, a good foundation for the future work and study, the work and study are summarized as follows:

Political and ideological aspects:

Adhere to the patient as the center, take the quality as the core of the nursing service concept, to adapt to the new nursing mode, the new situation of social development, and actively participate in all political activities, contributing to society for the purpose of serving patients, patient satisfaction as the standard, wholeheartedly serve patients.

Two, enhance the legal awareness:

Seriously study the nurse law and the laws and regulations, made me realize that the legal system is increasingly perfect, increasing legal sense, according to law, safeguard their legitimate rights and interests in accordance with the law has bee the consensus of the people.

The quality of modern nursing concept is the whole process and full patient satisfaction, this is the people put forward newer and higher demand for medical care services, which requires me to enrich the knowledge of the law, strengthen the consciousness of safety protection, the nursing staff according to law, usage, reduce the occurrence of medical accidents.

Three, work study

In the work, strict pliance with the rules and regulations of hospitals and departments, strictly implement the system and check the implementation of the system of nursing procedures, reduce accidents, strict implementation of aseptic operation, ensure the safety of pregnant women and newborns.

Implement the take the patient as the center, take the quality as the core service concept, civilized service, adhere to civilized language, to carry out each work in the working time of the dignified, neatly dressed, polite and amiable, with language specification.

The young nurse could recognize me, do the nurse responsibility, and strive to improve the nursing quality and nursing records form qualified rate; the shortings and errors, summarizing and analysis, find the hidden danger of nip in the bud.

In the course of work, I deeply feel that their own lack of knowledge of a variety of infectious diseases to understand very little, obviously feel to strengthen their own learning, improve the quality of their own urgency.

One is to learn from books, to squeeze a certain amount of time each day to enrich themselves, widely absorbs a variety of nutrition; the two is to learn from colleagues, always remain modest and prudent attitude, humbly ask for advice, the initiative to consult colleagues, in a variety of infectious disease hospital and department anization knowledge learning; the three is to learn in practice and to use the knowledge to practical work, in practice the knowledge, find inadequate, improve themselves, to prevent and overe the tendency to stop, a smattering of.

I always remind myself that should continue to strengthen their own ideological and moral cultivation and personality training, enhance the sense of dedication, selfless do focus on personality cultivation.

From the society some undesirable effects, start from every little bit small; work to be loyal to their duties, firmly establish wholeheartedly check erroneous ideas at the outset, the purpose of serving the patients.

The above is my work in the hospital for a month summary, these days feel hospital spirit and confidence in the future, are willing to contribute their homes for a meager strength, please leaders and colleagues to supervise and support!

月工作总结英语:Summary of the work of Chinese teachers

The flight of time, suddenly a semester of teaching work is nearing pletion, in order to do a better job in the future work, sum up experience and lessons, I will work this semester summary as follows:

First, the ideological work

As the saying goes: it is never too late to learn, I he been in all aspects of strict demands on themselves, to improve themselves, to quickly adapt to the situation of social development.

Through reading a lot of moral training books, the courage to dissect their own, analysis of their own, to face up to their own, improve their own quality.

In the fight against SARS period, can take the initiative to cooperate with the school, do a good job in the prevention and treatment of propaganda work.

Two, education work

This semester, I served as the first grade language teaching, a large number of classes, but also faced with the new curriculum reform.

In the face of the first contact, I he encountered many difficulties in teaching and learning.

In view of these situations, I actively participate in the training of new textbooks of the anization Department of education at the same time, learn from teachers and brother schools experienced peer advice.

In the teaching, to seriously study the new outline, understand material, and actively explore the teaching ideas, some advanced teaching theory, the scientific teaching methods and advanced modern teaching methods in this paper from the college entrance examination Ling #from end# live work resources used in classroom teaching, efforts to foster cooperation and exchange of students, self-study and the ability to innovation.

In addition, I do well in teaching work at the same time, also attach great importance to the accumulation of teaching experience, he experience in a timely manner down to municate with colleagues, writing a prehensive case this term rises and the Huahai participated in the municipal exchanges, awards, published.


ply with discipline

I strictly abide by the rules and regulations of the school, do not be late, do not lee early, lee something active.

In the work, respect for the leadership, unity and colleagues, can properly handle the relationship with the leadership of the relationship between colleagues.

Usually, thrift, hard working, honest, loving students, interpersonal harmony, never make unprincipled disputes, people everywhere to a teachers request to regulate their own behior, tirelessly to develop their own prehensive quality and ability.

Four, business learning

Along with the new curriculum reform to the teacher service ability request enhancement, I in the teaching, but also the time to study the Chinese undergraduate course and actively all kinds of modern education technology training initially mastered the production of multimedia courseware.

The above summary, if there is something wrong, please lead colleagues criticism.



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