[游颐和园导游词]游颐和园导游词(1) 各位游客,大家好!今天我要带大家去颐和园 各位游客,大家好!今天我要带大家去颐和园游玩,希望大家在颐和园留下一段美好的回忆。 我叫黄嘉仪,你们叫我黄总导。...+阅读
Hello, wele you to Beijing Summer Palace! My horse is, today I he for you is to explain Beijing Summer Palace! Please note: please dont littering, dont spit, protect the environment, with good team! Now lets go! Hope I can let you remember the interpretation of the good time, I wish you he a lot of fun!
The earliest dynasties era in the emperor had started to build in Beijing imperial garden. In todays longevity hill kunming lake area will be built here, jinshan kingsoft, called JinShanBo. To this, there was renamed aung, aung tabor. And early Ming is renamed lake and built the temple, named static good mountain park.
At sixteen, wanli is also is in here has 1588 landscape scale, enjoy certain green line li, like the white jiangnan ode. But let there really bee a royal garden of the qing dynasty is. In the emperor kangxi years was built in the emperor qianlong palace, came to fourteen years, namely 1749 - jehoaddan in 1764 built on the basis of the original qingyi park, lake, mountain, kunming lake, the lake is called mountain called longevity hill. And here also became famous gardens.
And most of the imperial palace in ancient China, here also cant escape the invaders in 1860, be spoiled by the anglo-french allied forces and destroyed. After some years, the empredowager cixi embezzled funds for the ny, and under the emperor guangxu reconstruction has renamed the Summer Palace here. But in 1900, the Summer Palace again by the anglo-french allied forces (Russia), meaning the serious destruction. Since then the rebuilt in here, so, because of the financial HouShan parts are not long.
In 1912, QingShi according to the conditions, the Summer Palace is still in Hudson emperor puyi hands. After two years, and there was a his private property, but because once open transportation fares expensive, no one came. In 1924, after the Summer Palace, pu exmunicated beiyang government will formally to opening to the park. December 1948, the peoples government, after accepting here after prehensive governance, still holding the royal garden style. And it also became the world, architecture, landscape on the best-preserved imperial gardens.
We will see the total covers an area of 290 hectares, including land quarter, water reached three-fourths. According to the royal garden, the garden USES and can be divided into political scenic area, the Summer Palace built residential and the scenic area three parts.
We came to visit the eastern will formally began.
In the east gate, there is a han xu yan xiu Yan, the archway. The meaning of han xu is open, beautiful scenery, all-enpassing. Yan xiu is capture the beautiful scenery. But as the main palace also. On the door of the property of the Summer Palace is the emperor guangxu board of calligraphy. Yi and two words are taken, the remaining calm mood.
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