1.As we all know, watching TV harms teenagers eyes greatly, and more seriouly, the radiation of TV will also do bad to your body, so watching TV has negative affects on teenagers health.
2.Watching TV usually takes lots of time, while watching TV, some teenagers cant control the time they spend, and waste time searching for TV shows , watching advertisements etc.
3.Watching too much TV programs like soap operas or movies will weaken teenagers ability of thingking, thus making them react slower.
4.Some TV programs, like soap operas or movies include harmful contents like violence,pornography, these things will creat rather bad effects on teenagers
I think we shouldnt make the market-oriented.
Study depends on oneself.
To find a job,its not enough just to attend the college education,you should he a strong basic of knowledge.
And then,choose what you are interested in to get some qualification.
That will be petitive.
The college education is just a one-side-fits-all education,your future improvement just depends on yourself.
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