

02月21日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[高中英语经验总结]高中英语经验总结【1】 本次高中英语新课程远程研修培训即将结束,这段时间,我一直忙于观看视屏,学习研修,上网做作业,过得很充实,受益匪浅,收获颇多。 研修期间,通过观摩课堂教学视...+阅读



1 用于可数名词单数形式前表示一类,如a car

2 表示数量一,但没有one强烈, a new puter

3 用于人名前表示某一位a Mr Wang

4 用于表示一场、一种、一次、一份等意义的抽象或物质名词前,如a hey rain

5 指首次提到的人或物

6 用于序数词前,表示又,再,如 a second stranger

7 用于be of a(n)+n.结构中表示相同的,如The walls are all of a color.

8 不可数名词knowledge,collection,understanding后面与of连用时前面用a/an

9 he/take/make/give等与表示动作意义的抽象名词构成短语,如he a look;

10 用于固定搭配,如in a hurry等


1 特指双方都明白的人或物

2 用于姓氏复数前表示一家人,如the Browns

3 特指独一无二的事物,如the sun

4 与单数名词连用表示一类事物,如 The puter plays an important role in our life.

5 用于序数词和最高级以及形容词only、very、same等前面,如the very person

6 与复数名词连用特指整个群体,如the teachers in our school

7 用于某些由普通名词构成的专有名词前,如the Great Wall

8 用于西洋乐器前,如play the piano

9 用于度量单位前,如by the hour

10 用于年代、朝代及逢十的数词前,如in the 1990s

11 用于形容词或分词前指一类人或物,如the young

12 表示民族,如the Chinese

13 用于句型动词+sb.+介词+the+身体某部位,如seize sb. by the arm

14 用于固定搭配,如make the most of,in the east等


1 不可数名词、复数名词表泛指,如Time means money for businessmen.

2 月份、季节、星期、节假、洲、头衔、职务、呼语前

3 三餐、球类、学科、棋类、惯用语前

4 系动词turn后单数名词作表语,如He turned lawyer at 29.

5 特殊结构,如as倒装、独立主格结构等,如 a book in hand

6 固定搭配,如under repair,on second thoughts等


1 冠词的特殊用法

1 形容词比较级前用the表示两者中较的,如the larger island

2 形容词比较级前用a(n)表示更,如a better world

3 形容词最高级前用a无比较含义,如a most diligent student

4 独一无二的事物前有修饰成分,可加a/an,如a round moon

5 不以元音字母开头的单词前用an,如There is an f in the word.

2 冠词的位置

1 不定冠词用于quite/rather+a(n)(+adj.)+n.,quite/half/rather/many/what/such+n.或rather/so/too/how/however/as+adj.+a(n)+n.结构中,如quite a kind man, as great an invention

2 定冠词用于half/twice both/double/just+the+名词结构中,如double the amount




The potato is a plant and so is corn.

或Potatoes as well as corn are both plants.

解读:corn 是不可数名词,直接使用;potato 是可数名词,有形式的讲究。



2 弄清泛指、特指、类指、专指等概念。

3 注意平时积累。 高中英语语法总结:冠词




1 用于可数名词单数形式前表示一类,如a car

2 表示数量一,但没有one强烈, a new puter

3 用于人名前表示某一位a Mr Wang

4 用于表示一场、一种、一次、一份等意义的抽象或物质名词前,如a hey rain

5 指首次提到的人或物

6 用于序数词前,表示又,再,如 a second stranger

7 用于be of a(n)+n.结构中表示相同的,如The walls are all of a color.

8 不可数名词knowledge,collection,understanding后面与of连用时前面用a/an

9 he/take/make/give等与表示动作意义的抽象名词构成短语,如he a look;

10 用于固定搭配,如in a hurry等


1 特指双方都明白的人或物

2 用于姓氏复数前表示一家人,如the Browns



1. 定冠词the和一个形容词连用,代表一类人.若其作主语,则其后的谓语动词用复数形式.如:

He fired me, but, soon he was among the unemployed. 他解雇了我,但不久他也加入了失业大军.

The oppressed are doomed to fight against an unjust government. 被压迫的人民注定要反抗不公正的政府.

2. 由普通名词和另外一些词构成的专有名词前多数要加定冠词.如:

1) 某些国名前: the Peoples Republic of China, the United States, the herlands, the Philippines, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland;=1B?

2) 报纸名称前: The Washington Post 《华盛顿邮报》, The New York Times《纽约时报》, The Times 《泰晤士报》, The Observer 《观察家报》, The Daily Mail 《每日邮报》e6sxi

3) 某些节假日前: the Spring Festival春节, the Mid-Autumn Day中秋节VGG6


1) Trafalgar Square (英国伦敦)特拉法加广场, Tiananmen Square 天安门广场

2) 节假日名称前: New Years Day 新年, Lunar New Years Day春节, National Day国庆节, May Day五一节, Carnival狂欢节,Easter复活节, Christmas圣诞节, Halloween万圣节, April Fools Day愚人节

3) 杂志名称前: News Week 《新闻周刊》, Times 《时代》(周刊), Readers Digest 《读者文摘》, English Language Teaching (Journal)《英语教学》, Beijing Review 《北京周报》

3. 一些乐器名称前面通常用the, 如play the guitar, play the piano.但在一些特殊的表达中不用the,如with Kenney Rogers on saxophone, with Miles Dis on trumpet.体育比赛的项目前也不加定冠词,如play chess, play volleyball / basketball.

4. 一年四季spring, summer, autumn /fall, winter 前,可用亦可不用定冠词,意思基本一样,但在美语中,通常为in the fall

5. 物质名词前一般不加定冠词,但当一些物质名词不用于一般意义,而表示该物质的特定部分,特别是当其有限制性定语时,常加定冠词.如:

Its not so cold today, lets take a walk in the snow. 今天不太冷,咱们去踏雪散散步吧.

Is the water in this shallow well polluted,too? 这口浅井里的水也污染了吗?

Would you mind opening the window? The air is so bad in the classroom. 打开窗户你不介意吧?教室里的空气太不新鲜了.

The steel China produce in recent years is of much better quality, and can be used to the manufacturing of cars axis. 中国近些年生产的钢材质量好多了,可以用来制造车轴.

Hurry up! We must wipe off the dust on the chairs before the meeting. 快点!我们必须在会议开始前把椅子上的尘土擦掉.

6. 在一些介词短语的表达中(大多指击打、疼痛及类似的表达), the放在有关身体部位的名词前代替物主代词.试比较:

1) a. The pebble hit his face.

b. The pebble hit him in the face.

2) a. She had a dove on her shoulder.

b. She had a pain in the shoulder.

3) They pulled her by the hair

4) The teacher ge me a pat on the back.

7. the 不能与名词复数或不可数名词一起表示泛指的概念.试比较:

1) Life is hard for them. (泛指)

2) The life is hard for them. (确定指)

8. radio 和television两词用于类指时通常不用定冠词.如

Now, more playwrights are writing plays for television than for radio

但我们通常说listen to the radio, a news item on the radio,而看电视却可以说成是watch television.


1. what 后的感叹句中,若感叹的名词是可数名词单数,不定冠词a/an不能省略.如:

What a horrible day!

2. a/an 用于指非独一无二的工作或职业.如

She is a teacher.

Hes a bank manager.


He is Secretary of State, but he will be President of this small country.

As Chairman of the mittee, he will declare the opening of the meeting.

3. 疾病名称通常被认为是不可数的,因此,其前通常不加冠词.如:

The three Bront sisters died of tuberculosis. 简氏三姐妹均死于肺结核.

Shes had appendicitis. 她得了阑尾炎.

In the first half of last century, many children died of measles. 上世纪前半叶,许多孩子死于麻疹.

但谈到cold, 我们通常说a cold, 如 catch a cold, he (get) a cold.

同样我们说a stomachache, a headache.如:

Ive got a headache today. 但其他的ache(backache, toothache, earache, etc)在英国英语中均不可数,无须任何冠词


1. 习惯用定冠词的表达

by the way, on the whole, in the end, on the way to, tell the truth, on the right / left, in the possession of, be in the habit of doing sth., on the spot, the day before yesterday, in the distance, in the case of, for the time being, at the hands of, in the front of, be in the dark, at the back of, to the extent of等.

2. 习惯用不定冠词的表达

as a matter of fact, as a rule, be in a position to, a matter of course, all of a sudden, be at a loss, he a chance, he a good time, he a hand in, he a say, he a try, keep an eye on, on a large scale, with a firm hand, take a fancy to, be in a hurry, take a walk, take an interest in等.

3. 习惯用零冠词的表达

at noon/night/dawn/midnight, in town, in front of, at bottom, in order, in peace, at hand, at home, at last, at present, at stake, at war, by way of, day and night, without result, on top of, in trouble, in sight, from beginning to end, in advance, in haste, in danger, in case(of), in possession of, in fashion, in fact, take part in, take place等.




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