[2017年离婚协议书范本]2017年离婚协议书范本【1】 男方: ,男,身份证号码: 女方: ,女,身份证号码: 经夫妻双方自愿协商达成一致意见,订立离婚协议如下: 一、男女双方自愿离婚。 二、子女抚养、抚养费及探望权...+阅读
乙方负责人签字(盖章): 质量保证部签字(盖章):
电话: ____________________________________________________
buyer:moving technology (shen zhen) co., ltd, (abbreviated: party a)
add: ___________________________________________________________
tel: ___________________________________
fax: ___________________________________
供方全称:________________________________ (以下简称乙方)
seller: dong guan wei hong hareware plastic co., ltd (abbreviated: party b)
add: no. 188th, ping shan, tang xia, dongguan city
tel: ___________________________________
fax: ___________________________________
产品名称:沙发调节器五金件product name: sofa adjuster hardware parties
as one of supplementary of purchasing agreement, this agreement applies to the quality requirement of normal purchase and claims.
甲乙双方以相互信任、相互合作的态度,对该协议的以下条款达成一致:based on the mutual trust, mutual cooperation, both parties agree to achieve the agreement as below:
产品种类:product codes
第一条 产品标准standard
party b should provide the goods whose performance, design, technology parameter are same as the samples confirmed by party a.第二条 检验方法 testing way
2.1 样品封样:在第一批供货之前,乙方提供______个产品/每个编码,由甲方研发部、质量检验部和乙方共同签字确认后,作为此产品的封样样品,以后的来料检验, 成品检验将以封样样品为检验的标准之一。
sealed sample: before 1st shipment lot, party b should provide ______pieces/code samples, which should be approved and sign off by the research development dept. and quality control dept. of party a and party b, as the sealed samples; the inspection of ining material and finished goods should referring to the sealed samples as the standard.
2.2 检验标准:以甲方提供的设计图纸和技术参数规定、封样样品、甲方的交验标准、相关国家标准、甲乙双方承认的抽样质量标准为依据进行检验。
inspection standard: based on the design drawing, technology parameter, sealed samples, specific inspection standard provided by party a, and approved aql standard by both parties.
第三条 信息沟通munication
3.1 甲方在来料检验中,发现不合格产品,需对乙方开具《供应商质量异常报告》,乙方需在_____日内对《供应商质量异常报告》中质量问题的形成原因、纠正预防措施、措施实施时间等内容,以书面形式进行回复。
once party a finds the defects during in-house inspection, will issue the quality exception report to party b, party b should reply in written about the defect root, corrective action, improving date, etc.; if goods refund from party a, party b should give the resolving ways and keep a good record.
3.2 乙方每月需对甲方来料检验、生产制程和客服中心返还的需要索赔的产品进行分析,并在每月______日前向甲方提供分析报告。
party b should monthly analyze the inspection report, production procedure, and claims from party a, and provide the analysis report before______date each month.
3.3 甲乙双方定期召开品质沟通会议,会议时间另由双方协商确定。
both parties will he the regular quality session, date and time should be confirmed by both parties.
第四条 问题解决及违约责任problem resolution and breach responsibility
4.1 乙方对本协议第2,3,4条所列条款执行不利,且在甲方提出改进要求后乙方仍无改进迹象,甲方有权取消乙方的合格供方资格。
if party b doesnt well cooperate for clause two, three four in the agreement, still not improve after requesting by party a, and party a has the right to cancel the supplier membership.
4.2 乙方应保证到货的型号规格与《采购订单》和《技术规格书》一致,并完全按照《技术协议书》中的标准供货。
party b should guarantee the goods codes and specification are same as requested in purchasing orders and technology specification; if any discrepancy, party a has the right to reject goods, request to change, or pensate according to the purchasing orders.
4.3 乙方应承担交货至甲方运输过程中出现的来料损坏、丢失、外包装破损等损失。
party b should undertake the responsibility for any damage, loss of goods during the transportation.
4.4 甲方在来料检验时对来料批判定为不合格批时,应及时通知乙方,乙方应当在______小时内派人进行确认。
party a should notify party b if unacceptable defects and party b should assign the relative quality technology staffs to confirm, investigate and give corrective action within________hours in written.
4.5 批量供货时,相同物料来料检验出现连续批次不合格;制程淘汰率连续___个月超标/含等于(___%)或出现批量质量事件(批次同种故障率= _______ %)或重大质量投诉。
乙方产品出现以上任何一种情况,除乙方必须承担由此造成的一切损失外,甲方尚有权采取库存相关产品退货、罚款(订单金额的____% )、暂停乙方供货,限期整改等措施。
if the same code products occur the continuous defects, and the percentage of defects continuously exceed (including equal to_______ %) /month or the defects=_____% in the same shipment lot or serious quality plaint, party b must be responsible for all the losses, party a has the right to reject all stock goods, penalty (_____% of purchasing amount), stop party b to provide goods, and request to improve in the limited period.
a) 如乙方泄漏未经甲方允许私自保留或泄露甲方的机密资料造成甲方经济损失的,乙方将承担因此而产生的所有经济及法律责任;if party b keep or leak any confidential information without permission from party a, party b shall bear all the economic losses and legal responsibilities.
b) 如乙方在向甲方供应的任何材料,零部件等中含有有关环境法规规定的对环境有害的材质,一经查出,乙方供应的任何材料、零部件在终端消费者使用时出现安全问题和对人体产生重大伤害问题,乙方将承担因此事件所产生的所有相关责任和费用,并负责赔偿给甲方所造成的所有相关损失;if party b supply the spare parts of any material contained in the environmental regulations of the materials harmful to the environment, unsafely problem or harmful to human being at end customer, and party b shall undertake the event of all relevant obligations and pensate for parts of all relevant losses.
c) 以上损失在双方未协商好或未经司法机关裁定前,以乙方所有货款暂时作为抵押,甲乙双方将依最后处理结果予以相关责任履行;if any losses mentioned above happen, before the final confirmed settlement can be reached, order payment will be regarded as the pensation mortgage till good settlement.
4.6 来料检验过程中出现以下状况时:below problems during the inspection:
4.6.1 来料批量与送样不符时:乙方应____日内更换合格物料给甲方,不得延误甲方生产,如乙方原因导致甲方生产停线将按_____元/小时的标准赔偿甲方停产损失。
if parts are discrepancy as sealed sample, party b should change the qualified parts within_____days, cant delay party a production line; if party a production line he to stop caused by party bs unacceptable defects or unqualified parts, party b should pensate party a as rmb_____/hour.
4.6.2 来料不良导致:problems by defects
if any unacceptable parts defects down party as final finished goods, party a should reject, party b should improve and provide qualified parts on time, not to delay party as production line.
if any unacceptable defects from party b, need party a to sort out on-site, party b should bear the rework labor cost, and change the unqualified parts for free; if party b assign workers to sort out defects in party as working shop; party b also needs to exchange the unqualified parts by using qualified parts.
4.7 因乙方产品质量问题,导致甲方用户多批次投诉,影响甲方产品声誉的,甲方可要求乙方承担相应的责任(按当批次产品金额的______%支付给甲方)。
if the end customer plaints caused by unqualified parts provided by party b, and down party as goods reputation, party a has the right to give relative pensation( referring to______% of the lot).
4.8 由乙方产品质量问题导致的甲方产品售后出现质量事故,经甲乙双方调查确认后,乙方应承担所供甲方的相关产品单价_______倍损失。
if the serious quality issue happens caused by parts provided by party b in at end customer, after both parties confirm the issue, party b should pensate referring to ____times of products price.
4.9 甲方采用乙方产品生产出的成品,可能会接受国家、各地方质量监督部门、特殊客户等第三方不定期的抽检,如抽检中发现由乙方产品未达到国家标准而引起的甲方成品的任何不合格,经甲乙双方确认后,乙方应承担第三方的检验费用和其他相关费用; 同时甲方保留因此而造成对甲方名誉损害和经济损失对乙方进行索赔的权利。
the final finished goods produced by party a may be audited or random inspected by the state, local quality bureau or special customer or the 3rd party, if found unqualified goods caused by parts provided by party b, after both parties confirm the issue, party b should bear the relative testing and inspection fee or other additional fee; at the same time, party a retain the right to claim to a reputation for damages and economic loss.
第五条 争议的解决disputes
all disputes in connection with the execution of this contract shall be settled friendly through negotiation. in case no settlement can be reached, either party can lawsuit to the local court that has jurisdiction.
第六条 杂项miscellaneous
6.1 甲乙双方如有对本协议的补充和说明,双方应另行协商。
the agreement will be renewed or supplemental if both parties mutually agreed in written.
6.2 本协议为《采购协议》的附件之一,自甲乙双方法定代表人或授权代表签字并加盖法人公章之日起生效,有效期至双方协商签订新协议或停止合作时止。
in witness whereof, this agreement is duly executed at above effective date by duly authorized representatives of both parties, remains valid until the two parties negotiate a new agreement or cease cooperation. the agreement has 2 original copies held by both parties, and has same legal validity.
公司名 公司名
pany name stamp pany name stamp
_______________________ ______________________
法定代表人 法定代表人
legal representative legal representative
__________________________ ______________________
日期 日期
date date
________________________ ____________________
甲方(销方):: ../有限公司
一、 甲方责任:
1、 甲方应严格执行《中华人民共和国安全生产法》、《商标法》、税务法等有关法律法规,做到依法生产、依法经营。
2、 甲方提供的产品是符合国家法定标准和有关质量要求的合格品,并对其质量负全面的责任。
3、 甲方提供的产品质保期为产品出厂之日起一年之间内,在质保期中发生的质量问题由甲方负责,质保期不受本协议的有效期约束。
三、 双方共同责任及约定条款:
四、 协议生效:
本协议自 年 月 日起生效至 年 月 日终止。
甲方:江苏捷捷微电子股份有限公司 乙方:
代表: 代表:
日期: 年 月 日 日期: 年 月 日 盖 章 盖 章
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