[关于英语作文通知的格式]书面通知的英语作文格式要求: 1、通知的标志:标志一般要醒目,多用Notice作标题。 2、出通知的单位和时间:一般分别位于正文的右下角和右上角。不过,这两项有时可以省略。 3、通知...+阅读
通知(Notice) 1:日期在右上角或者左上角(需要注意月日年的顺序) 2:空一行 3:称呼【通知对象】(用冒号或者用逗号) 4:正文
(一律左对齐或者首行缩进) 5:落款【通知人或组织】 写作范例
1、题目要求: 高二
(三)班的全体同学将于2002年11月20日在学校图书馆举办一次活动,活动包括诗朗诵、讲故事、唱歌、舞蹈,现以全班同学的名义邀请全体高中同学参加,届时,将请各班主任作为教师代表出席,请参加的师生每人准备好一个节目。发布通知的日期为2009年11月12日。 (字数70-100字)
2、范文 NOTICE或者Notice(居中) November 12th,2009或者12 November, 2009或者11/12/2009 (空一行) Dear all the students: We're going to have interesting activities in the school library at 8:00 a.m on November 20, 2002. By then,some of us will read poems and some will tell stories. You can also hear wonderful singing and watch beautiful dancing there. We hope all the senior students can come and join in the activities. All the headmasters will be invited to our activities as representatives of teachers. Please get one performance ready because some of you will probably be asked to give us one. Students of Class3,Senior2. 我找了自己当时考专四的讲义,应该没有问题了。 祝你顺利!
Notice: winter holiday is coming.our winter holiday is from XX to XX.please finish your homework during the holiday and hang on it by the time you come back.During the holiday。Students must be careful when going out or playing.please be sure that the opening school day is on XXX.late for school will not be allowed on the school day.Enjoy your winter holiday and hope you have a good time. 寒假就要来了,我们的寒假放假日期是从XXX到XXX。在假期间请你们完成好作业,并在开学的第一天交上来。学生们在外出或者玩耍的时候一定要注意安全。请确定,开学时间是XXX,开学第一天绝对不允许迟到。希望你们可以过一个愉快的假期。
1. 开头就要像凤凰头一样,小巧而又精致。如有写作提示的话,可摘抄一段。因为写作提示一般写的十分精致,有蕴意。可写为小巧的排比句。如要写以前事情,建议后面添一句“记忆又陷入了时光隧道”等句式。
2. 中间就要像猪肚一样充实。要描写得有细节。写事时,可使用四种方法:“外貌”、“动作”、“语言”、“心理”穿插写作。一般使用语言、心理多些,可以把事情描写细致。写人作文时把具体事例,最能表现出人物的品质,具体事例又称“典型事例”。写景时,按照顺序描写,不必把每个景物都描写到极为细致,可有细有略。可以把景物使用比喻、拟人的手法写得活灵活现。写想象作文非常好些,如幻想未来,就把一些想象到的先进的仪器写入作文。
3. 文尾就要像豹尾一样,短而有力。按照事情的结果,拓展思维。万万不可贴不合的标签,不然的话开头写的再好,文尾都会把作文的等级拉下水。
• 不要写错字。
• 不要跑题。
刚刚考完四级作文Volunteers Needed是不是要写成通知的形式呢
Recruits the summer to volunteer Geng
The school student association organizes a time of summer vacation volunteer live potential presently to recruit the wish
This volunteer moves the goal is the summer goes to the home for the elderly to help the old person, goes to the home for the elderly to do the cleaning, chats with the old people helps the old person to solve in life inconvenient, causes the old people to feel proficient is warm Concrete time.Registration time:from 7.8 to 8.1
Registration contact method:School student association
tel:xxxxxx email:xxxxxx.com
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