

11月17日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[英文绕口令]英文绕口令 1. A good cook could cook as much cookies as a good cook who could cook cookies 2. I saw a saw that could out saw any other saw I ever saw. 3. Betty...+阅读


name: xxx sex: female

ethnic: chinese political features: members

academic qualifications (degree): undergraduate: business administration

contact tel: 12345678 mobile: 139000234

contact address: xx street, dongcheng district, beijing on the 10th zip: 100007

email address: 12345678&emspsohu. pager :66881122-1234

educational background

graduate institutions: beijing union university 1992.9 - 1996.7 bachelor of business administration

other: other training

* excellent reading and writing skills of english listening and speaking, and the basis of a certain french

* proficiency in all types of windows platform applications (such as word97, excel97, powerpoint

access, etc.)

work experience

* 1999.9 --- xx french pany since the department of animal nutrition

marketing assistant

market research program to develop and provide market forecasts, the pletion of the investigation report / preparation of advertising program, edit your ad text and pictures and implement / anization exhibitions, promotional meetings / munication with government departments and liaison, to clear the joint / other administrative matters

* 1999.7 --- 1997.10 edward keller

administrative assistant

aggregate sales data, sales reports / co-ordination with the northern district distributor relations / government departme

nts to clear and joints, to solve the problem / treasury management

* 1996.7 --- 1997.9 warwick foods

administrative assistant

coordination of the sales of imported food and the operation of the service sector collaboration / munication with government departments, to clear the joint / responsible for the import customs clearance and quarantine of food work / carry out market research new products / other administrative matters


i he in the domestic and foreign enterprises engaged in the work of administrative assistant for many years, accumulated a wealth of work experience, for the administration he a deep understanding. i work in a practical, serious and he the ability to market analysis and sales experience and great work and team spirit, i am cheerful personality, willing to municate with people, so make a lot of friends, with good adaptability and proficiency in munication skills, be able to to assist managers to plete all work well.

please give me a chance, i will also you to eye-catching glory.

i character

cheerful, modest, self-discipline, self-confidence (based on the person's circumstances).

another: the most important thing is the ability, i believe that your pany will feel that i am a suitable candidate for this position!

look forward to working with your interviews!




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