

11月20日 编辑 fanwen51.com


XX distinguished pany:


XX session I am a graduate, majoring in International Economics and Trade. Has been adopted in English 4, puter 2, and obtained bachelor's degree in economics.

University during the period, in addition to professional learning courses, a broad range of psychology, philosophy, sociology, puters, political science and other subjects in the curriculum, the formation of a more open and wealth to far-sighted vision.

In addition, also participated in a variety of social practices, such as the University of times the press corps, an interview with the great diary Mr. Xu Zhaoshou author, often a number of journalists and cultural activities so that I was able to get to know the celebrity culture in Lanzhou, listen to their teachings, let me benefit.

There are good artists on campus on behalf of dance training, Mai Square photo post-production, such as part-time work, for allowing me to enter the society's role, and continue learning in school and improve their adjustment.

Crazy and a lot of people would like to enter the civil service are not the same, I think of a pay and post-harvest is proportional to the working platform. I am not afraid of hardship, practical work seriously.

As can be appreciated by your, extremely honored!

I wish a happy work





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