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[购销合同范本模板]购销合同范本模板 红木家具购销合同书范本【1】 甲方(卖方) 乙方(买方) 维护双方合法权益,根据《中华人民共和国消费者权益保护法》,《中华人民共和国合同法》及有关规定,甲、...+阅读

英文简历模板制作 机械设计与制造

Name: Mr. Chen

Sex: Male

Date of Birth: February 1982

Marital status: unmarried

Account: Henan

National: Han

Political landscape: members

Education: tertiary

Graduate institutions: Henan Industrial Vocational and Technical College

Graduation Time: July 2003

Specialties: mechanical design and manufacturing

Language: English (PETS-3)

puter level: skilled

Work Experience: 5 years

Contact: Mobile: 13022255588

Job intentions

Work Type: All

Nature of units: open

Expectations of the industry: machine building, electrical and mechanical equipment, hey

Expectations of job: mechanical engineer, mechanical designer

Working Location: Hangzhou

Expectations of a monthly salary: Open / Negotiable


Industrial occupational 2000/09--2003/07 Henan Institute of Technology and automation machinery design and manufacture of post-secondary

The main design and manufacture of mechanical learning, tolerance, machining equipment, machinery and fixtures, die design and manufacturing, plastic mold design, PLC, MCU, hydraulic and pneumatic technology, mechanical processing equipment and automation.

Work experience

2006/03- present: sub-Asahi Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.

Industry: Electronics / Semiconductor Manufacturing pany size: more than 5000

Equipment R D Division R D institu

tions in charge of the following engineers

Job deion and performance: 1. PCB Bare Board is responsible for labeling equipment, automation, Motorola Pocket PC button automatic testing machine, optical inspection devices and automated test equipment (ICT, ATE Flying Probe test). 2. Designers work allocation and performance evaluation.

2003/10-2006/03: cleaning apparatus Somun Suzhou Co., Ltd.

Industry: Mechanical / Electrical pany size :500-999

Technology Development R D engineers in charge of the following institutions

Job deion and performance: is mainly responsible for the use of PRO / E for the U.S. Electrolux,泰怡凯, South Korea LG vacuum cleaner in appearance and structure of R D, mold cleaners to follow up and automated test equipment related to the design, development validation, SOP, SIP's making BOM list and development, product packaging design.


I am in the home appliances and electrical products, such as design work for many years, familiar with the structural design of plastic parts and mold structure and the design of non-standard equipment has accumulated certain experience, be familiar with pneumatic, hydraulic original selection, servo and Selection of the stepper motor, vibration plate with the design of sub-bit disk use, transmission design, robot design.

英文简历模板制作 机械设计与制造


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