

11月09日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[购销合同范本模板]购销合同范本模板 红木家具购销合同书范本【1】 甲方(卖方) 乙方(买方) 维护双方合法权益,根据《中华人民共和国消费者权益保护法》,《中华人民共和国合同法》及有关规定,甲、...+阅读


Name: Miss Lu Sex: Female

Date of Birth: 1985-1-1 marital status: unmarried

Nationality: Nationality: Han

Height: CM political landscape: the masses

Education: Vocational school Time: June 2007

Residence: place of residence is in Jiaxing, Zhejiang: Hangzhou, Zhejiang

Occupational Overview / job interest

Are engaged in the industry: the import and export trade are engaged in business Occupation: sales categories - management / business

Level positions are: the initial positions (two years work experience) Work Experience: 2 years

Current salary: a monthly salary of 1800 yuan of overseas work experience: No

Expectations of the nature of work: full-time work in the region look forward to: Hangzhou, Zhejiang

Expect to engage in the industry: look forward to engaging in Occupation: Foreign Trade missioner / Assistant

Business Merchandiser

Salary expectations: a monthly salary of 1600 yuan到岗Time: 2009-3-13

Self-evaluation / career goals

Self-evaluation: like to trade in this industry. Foreign trade business independently from the Inquiry to ship a set of processes.

Educational background

School Name: Zhejiang, Zhejiang University of Technology Campus (September 2004 - 2007 6 months)

Professional title: Business English Education: tertiary

Location: certificate: English 6

Professional Deion: learning English listening, speaking, writing and other courses related to the basic knowledge of foreign trade.

Work experience

pany Name: Hangzhou color products Limited (February 2008 - 2009年3月)

Industry: Import and Export Corporation Trade business nature: private. Private enterprises

Size: 10

50 man-Location:

Job Title: Foreign trade clerk

Job Deion: familiar with the

process of foreign trade: Inquiry - Reply - Proofing - Sample - Sample Tracking - orders - shipping.

Alibaba B2B platform to use to pay for Inquiry, concise resume, which includes price, delivery and basic product information. Multiple e-mail and telephone follow-up appropriate.

Proof: According to customers request, arranged in a timely manner. Samples after the pletion of double-check for good packaging and timely delivery, e-mail notice of the guests.

Sample order tracking to production, into the workshop to check the progress of product quality and production to ensure timely delivery. Arrangements for booking a charter, and anize, according to declarations.

Goods sent to follow up on the balance and the carriage of goods, and get back in time alone.

pany Name: Tongxiang Yongtai Long Electronics Co., Ltd. (February 2007 - 2007年12月)

Industry: Import and Export Corporation Trade business nature: private. Private enterprises

Size: 50

200 people work:

Job Title: Foreign trade clerk

Job Deion: familiar with the process of foreign trade: Inquiry - Reply - Proofing - Sample - Sample Tracking - orders - shipping.

Alibaba B2B platform to use to pay for Inquiry, concise resume, which includes price, delivery and basic product information. Multiple e-mail and telephone follow-up appropriate.

Proof: According to customers request, arranged in a timely manner. Samples after the pletion of double-check for good packaging and timely delivery, e-mail notice of the guests.

Sample order tracking to production, into the workshop to check the progress of product quality and production to ensure timely delivery.

Language ability

Grasp the extent of Language name

English proficiency



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