

11月17日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[英语绕口令带音标]英语绕口令带音标【1】 Shut up the shutters and sit in the shop. 关上窗,坐在店里。 Selfish shellfish. 自私的水生有壳动物。 She said she should sit. 她说她应该坐下...+阅读


The names of basic personal resume: xxx nationality: China

Current location: Guangzhou nation: the location of the Han nationality accounts: Chongqing is: 160 cm ? 50 kg Marital status: Married Age: 35-year-old training certification: integrity badge: job search intention and work experience personnel types: ordinary job ? Position: Financial categories: accountant / financial manager / director of business / management work experience of financial management: 13 Title: Intermediate Job type: full-time can be reported for duty - at any time requested monthly salary: 5000 - 8000 hope that the working area: Guangzhou Huadu personal experience: 2000.7.1 - 2007.12.31 [Finance Minister] (7 and a half years)

I-Cheng Wen in Guangzhou puter embroidery Co., Ltd. (the pany is registered capital of seven million Hong Kong dollars for foreign wholly-owned pany responsible for adidas Shoe Co., Ltd. Guangzhou Cheng Kang shoes embroidered subject of electricity) to do the Finance Minister. Responsible for the overall accounting and tax affairs work and so on. The reason is that with the resignation of the pany, Cheng Kang collective relocation清新县Qingyuan City.

1999.3.25-1999.9.30 [host accounting] (six months)

I he metal in Liwan District of Guangzhou Industrial Co., Ltd. (belonging to its own sales business since the nature of the pany) do to host accounting, headquarters and branch is responsible for the overall accounting and tax treatment and management. Resigned due to maternity lee.

1996.6.17-1998.12.31 [the cashier to the host accounting] (2 a year and a half)

I am in Chongqing in our group (the financial industry and other business services management as one of the group) 3 months ago to make satisfaction, business executives familiar with the after the start under the guidance of the overall billing. Marriage event for personal and resign.

1993.7-1995.6.17 [accounting staff] (the last 2 years)

Printing plant in Chongqing Yongchuan I do accounting, and due to layoffs and the resignation of the factory. Educational background, graduating from the institutions: the highest in Chongqing School of Business Education: College graduate - 1998-12-01 One of the studies: accounting (industrial and mercial) of the Science II: education and training by experienced: 2005.12-2006.5

Hours self-study and technical qualifications to participate in the national accounting examination was a mid-level certification (ie CPA certification)


In the Guangzhou City, the State Revenue Department for Education and Training Center to Tax machine learning and anti-counterfeiting tax control machine certificate


In the Guangzhou, the Chinese accounting adult school for the replacement qualification learning was of their qualification certificates


Hours self-study and to participate in the national accounting test was Assistant Accountant certificate


To participate in Wo Guangzhou against the financial advisory pany at the national tax training to obtain certificates member办税


The use of working hours by the self-accounting of higher education self-study examination of the mission and School of Business in Chongqing assessment was college accounting diploma


The use of spare time to Harvard-vocational schools in Chongqing to learn Accounting operation to obtain certification Accounting


In the school during the Chongqing Abacus Association examination to obtain certificates abacus (5 experts)


In the merce and Industry of Chongqing Yongchuan school to learn the accounting profession and to pass the exam to obtain the Accounting Certificate in Vocational Studies, Foreign language proficiency: the level of English language in general: good Cantonese level: the ability to work generally and other expertise 1, [Time management capacity]


tive management of time-effective in terms of time management I he a deep understanding of, and also from time to time at work focused on time management issues.

2, [standardized management capacity]

Service enterprises in order to standardize the management of production operations more smoothly, I suggest that pany executives had used some form of advanced and applicable. Practice has proved that the effectiveness of standardized forms can be created.

3, [writing]

Drafted internal accounting system and management system, feasibility study report, the Board resolution.

4, [the ability to plan]

Tax and accounting aspects of the use of the knowledge of tax planning, tax reasonable.

5, [operational capacity of]

Skillfully tax and work newspaper reported tax online skilled industrial and mercial enterprises, SAFE, the Inland Revenue Department, statistics, finance, foreign trade and the Board examined the annual inspection and so on and so on.

6, [table capacity for control and analysis]

The various departments of the production costs归集up the budget plan, budgeting accounting statements. And check the achievement of the goals of the analysis of the situation.

7, [table capacity for processing power and Accounts]

Monthly day-to-day accounting and accounting processing, the preparation of accounting statements and tax statements.

8, [effective munication skills]

And taxation, industry and merce, banking, statistics, and other departments of the SAFE and effective munication skills.

9, [a team capacity]

Procurement and enterprise development, customs, storage, effective in supporting the productive sector, decision-makers for the pany to provide useful data. The potential of mining enterprises, the enterprise ine创效do their best.

10, [the ability of puter operators]

The level of puter proficiency, especially skilled financial software Kingdee.

11, [learning]

People to learning, zero attitude, prompted me to learn to adapt to the ever-changing tax law and accounting.

12, [personnel management]

According to a certain degree of standardization of indicators and management of staff assessment and appraisal of the various indicators continuously amended in order to achieve more scientific, reasonable and fair to employees and the penalty award. Enhance team cohesion and centripetal force.

[Amateur expertise and love] like drawing, good writing, spontaneous form of the use of quantitative management of life and learning. Detailed personal autobiography constant quest for knowledge - a bination of theory and practice - to optimize the work of cut - In order to enhance the prehensive petitiveness of enterprises give their power

I he engaged in accounting work in the past 13 years, continue to absorb new knowledge advanced, and then seriously consider for their enterprise search service for the financial management of a road, I he never given up on learning.

I he been using various channels to learn and accounting, tax law knowledge and so on. I sum up in their work, and then use the lessons learned to optimize the work. Experience from the numerous economic and financial management of plex cases on that.

With the accumulation of experience to enhance learning. I began to work for the pany insight into the management of the crisis and to give early warning signs, and for the development of innovative ideas to increase the petitiveness of enterprises.

Three feet of frozen cold day! This is a process of quantitative change to qualitative change. It is precisely for this reason to understand, I he decided to continue its efforts to go to work and learning.

Message: If the honor to join your pany, I believe I will make your arrival of the development path more smooth, broad in the face of fierce petition, more petitive.

(Insurance, intermediation not interference!)

Monthly requirement :4500-6000 Yuan / month of personal contact



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