

11月24日 编辑 fanwen51.com


Dear leaders:


Thank you for your busy schedule to read my自荐信, I am pleased to know the talent market in the XX recruitment your information, I am a graduating accounting student, I am your anization of modern enterprise management methods more interested, I would like to he the opportunity to work in your anization, please allow me to take the liberty of ourselves! Thanks!

Now is the puter age, I was able to skillfully operate a puter, the use of office automation software for high-efficiency office, skilled use of the Inter; good at writing, at school several times during the contributors to the magazine, and published articles in the school magazine. Stronger anizational ca

pacity, regular on campus search and anize the broad masses of hip-hop enthusiasts to participate in a variety of theatrical performances, focus on team spirit, like innovation, ability to adapt to the environment!

University of 3-year period, I played in the supermarket workers, accounting firms he been learning is able to work under greater pressure; also done a partnership with others, phone card sales and cultivate a certain level of social petence and integrity, there are certain social experience and marketing skills, so are in line with the requirements of your pany!

My phone number is 15888888888 and look forward to hearing from you! Thank you!





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