

11月15日 编辑 fanwen51.com


Dear Sir / Miss:

Hello! I read your pany's recruitment information, and I am a part-time editor of the website are very interested in the post.

I am now in-service publishing house editor, a master's degree from the **** after year has been working in publishing as editor. Two years of publishing the work of editing has been very understanding and familiar with. Publishers Association, after the formal training and two years of work experience, I believe I he the ability to play by the requirements of your pany web page editing tasks.

My puter has a very strong interest. I can skillfully use FrontPage and DreamWeer, PhoteShop authoring tools such as web pages. I own a personal home page, visit the volume has reached about 100 people. Through the Inter, I not only learned a lot in their daily lives than secondary things, and sitting in front of the puter mouse will be able to make kno

wn the joy of the world is in any activities other than the.

Due to the nature of the business editor, decided that I he flexible working hours arrangements and conditions to facilitate the office, which is also an objective editorial for my part-time work provided the necessary help. Based on the Inter and editorial services of proficient and preferences, as well as my own objective conditions and the requirements of your pany, I believe that your pany can give full play to their give me another piece of the sky, but I also believe that my efforts to let your pany's the cause of a higher level.

Enclosed herewith is my curriculum vitae and, if the opportunity to interview with you, I would be very grateful. Even if your pany that I do not ply with your conditions, I will, as always, concerned about the development of your pany to the most sincere wishes.





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