[购销合同范本模板]购销合同范本模板 红木家具购销合同书范本【1】 甲方(卖方) 乙方(买方) 维护双方合法权益,根据《中华人民共和国消费者权益保护法》,《中华人民共和国合同法》及有关规定,甲、...+阅读
Name: XXX Sex: Female
Ethnic: Chinese political features: members
Academic qualifications (degree): Bachelor of professional: the management of mercial enterprises
Contact Tel: 12345678 Mobile: 139000234
Contact Address: XX Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing on the 10th Zip: 100007
Email Address: 12345678&emspsohu. pager :66881122-1234
Educational background
Graduate institutions: the University of North Industries, Department of Economics and Management 1988-1992
Other: Other training in 1996 in Beijing Second Foreign Language Institute of English self-study; self-study marketing and management of undergraduate courses; he driver's license
Work experience
* May 1998 --- XX has been senior director of corporate planning department
Product advertising program development and cost control / planning and arrangements for the implementation of promotional activities / day-to-day advertising peting products monitoring, analysis and timely adjustment of product planning program / market survey visit. Proposed, the development of plete retail terminals to improve the program / market of the year pared with sales data analysis, preparing next year's advertising proposal
Results: the effective marketing strategy to make reasonable XX pany's products to bee well-known brand with the industry, product sales increase steadily, reaching the pany expected sales target.
March 1995 * March 1998 --- a world-renowned director of the enterprise market a unified marketing strategy formulation, implementation and evaluation activities summary / formulation of advertising solutions, advertising agencies and advertising panies to plete t
he production and delivery / visits to the retail market , tracking regional retailers, sales agents in dynamic, petitive market dynamics monitoring / collection of market intelligence analysis / coordination of external suppliers and the media to implement large-scale public relations activities
Results: the pany's image and corporate culture has been widely disseminated, people. Product sales and market share steadily increased and bee well-known brand with the industry.
October 1992 * December 1994 --- XX Tele
Assistant Manager, Planning Department to develop and implement sales plans, promotions promotional plan / marketing funds management / responsible for product sales in the Northeast region / technology center to coordinate the after-sales service and dealer relations between
For many years served on the large and medium-sized enterprise market, the planning department, I he accumulated a wealth of work experience, to grasp the market dynamics, carried out the planning and implementation of the market as a whole to he an in-depth study and self-study marketing and management of undergraduate courses. I work in a serious and responsible, like to accept new challenges and strive to fulfill.
Broad-loving. Forite ball games and climbing, the University was the school football team. Also like singing, music and so on.
I character
Moderate, modest, self-discipline, self-confidence (based on the person's circumstances).
Another: the most important thing is the ability, I believe that your pany will feel that I am a suitable candidate for this position!
Look forward to working with your interviews!
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