

11月09日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[钢材购销合同书范本]钢材购销合同书范本 买方:________(下称甲方) 卖方:______(下称乙方) 地址:_________ 地址:_________ 邮编:_________ 邮编:_________ 电话:_________ 电话:_________ 传真:_________...+阅读



sandy bin 15/f,toward ,bright china,building,beijing.


an accounting position offering the opportunity to utilize my professional financial expertise,extensive business experience, and ability on a worldwide basis.

summary of qualifications

*accountant and administrative manager of mediun-sized motor ponents manufacturing and distribution pany serving national and international markets.

*hands-on experience with firm of certified public accountants and auditors.

*certified public accountant and auditor.

professional experience

1998 lismore shipping co.,ltd.,loretta,pa


*managed,developed,and maintained all aspects of finance,accounting,foreign exchange dealings,marketing,and data processing of pany and its overseas offices in london and new york *controlled budget,cash flow,and capital expenditure

*reviewed, analyzed, and evaluated finances and securities pertaining to advances and shipping for cl

ient base of about 200.

*established and maintained close relationships with bank executives,auditors,and attorneys,ensuring pliance with all regulatory bodies.

1985-1988 rabino products, meadville, pa


*developed and implemented corporate and project-oriented financial strategies.

*provided financial overview and leadership for all major operating considerations and activities, including development of business and profit plans.

*controlled line management for all accounting,production costing,edp,and financial functions.

1981-1983 mannings,dawe,and bond,pittsburgh,pa


*auditor private panies,listed panies,partnerships,and individual businesses.

*prepared financial statements and schedules.


university of pennsylvania, philadelphia,pa

bachelor's degree,with major in accountancy,marketing, and business finance,1981

summary of qualifications highlight candidate's strengths.

bullets make resume easy to read.



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