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【Basic Information】

Name: xx spring height: 160cm weight: 60KG

Date of Birth: 19 &emsp ¥ - &emsp ¥ - ¥ &emsp Sex: Female Marital Status: &emsp ¥ marriage

ID number: 110101 &emsp ¥ ¥% ... ... ¥ nation: Chinese Politics: members

The original household registration to:% ¥ &emsp ¥% County Province


Graduate institutions: 2006-07 - South China Normal University puters in general

Language: English - General education college

The ability to work 【】

Work areas:

I was fresh graduates. Early childhood love of the industry, in school, I carefully studied the theory and practice of system knowledge, but also to learn skills of the knowledge and talents to the munity's demand for guides, to make their own talents to the plex direction. Learn puter knowledge, familiar with the Windows 98 operating systems, proficiency in the use of works, the Inter can quickly find the necessary information. In 2002 I took part in

the country by the National Putonghua test 2 B P certificate, nurses, puter and other certificates.

Capability Deion:

2001.9 so far in 2002: women elected to the school band, playing clari, has participated on the school's performance, such as: older games, such as school graduation;

2003.5 and 2005.10: the kindergarten and the second in the urban area directly under the education authority nursery practice has been affirmed by the guidance of teachers.

2004: participation in folk music orchestra was the first prize petition.

Also actively participate in social practice, in 2002 the practice of Lele nurseries; 2004 West Restaurant in a work-study program.

Obtain the certificate:

Putonghua II certificate, nursery certificate, a certificate of the puter, musical instruments, first-class match

Intention】 【job

Job Title: Kindergarten teacher

Location: ¥ &emsp% City

Salary Requirements: Negotiable




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