

11月09日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[英语绕口令带音标]英语绕口令带音标【1】 Shut up the shutters and sit in the shop. 关上窗,坐在店里。 Selfish shellfish. 自私的水生有壳动物。 She said she should sit. 她说她应该坐下...+阅读


First, academic

The total three-year academic ranking: 5

prehensive results of three years the total ranking: 2

(See schedule number: 45)

English proficiency:

Sophomore English 4 adopted by the outstanding certificates, achievement 89.5

6 sophomore through English, or a certificate of achievement 75

Junior English through interviews in Hong Kong, access to Hong Kong to participate in training opportunities (see below)

Second, the award-winning items, certificates, honorary title list


1999 school year:

Scholarships for outstanding students won the third class;

Outstanding school student leaders, school Miyoshi students, school corporation outstanding cadres, social practice, such as the honorary title of advanced individuals, where the class was named the top ten college branch of Zhejiang University,


2000 school year:

Scholarships for outstanding students won the second class; scholarships ZTE;

4 certificates outstanding English; 6 certificate in English;

Cadre school for outstanding students; school students Miyoshi; school outstanding cadres; social practice such as the honorary title of advanced personal


2001 school year

Scholarships for outstanding students won the second class (the other awards which are still under evaluation);

New era in the administration of the fourth training business training program certificate (Chinese University of Hong Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong General Chamber of merce awarded)

Evaluation of the honorary title of which is still

Third, to participate in the research and social practice activities




Yunnan Green A Biological Engineering Co., Ltd. Shanghai Bio-engineering Co., Ltd. Green A marketing project

Yunnan Green A Biological Engineering Co., Ltd., Shanghai, Green A Biological Engineering Co., Ltd.

Successfully assisted in the establishment of the Yangpu District, Shanghai sales work

In which I played a more crucial role



Eastern China to investigate the use of rural land

Zhejiang University

School of Management

College teachers to assist first-line investigation

March 2001

September 2001

Paradise Valley students of Zhejiang University Business Plan petition

Hangzhou Municipal People's Government, Zhejiang University

To enter the finals and achieved


Specific place

Are not yet ailable




New era in the management of the fourth training program

Chinese University of Hong Kong

Kowloon, Hong Kong General Chamber of merce

To obtain a diploma, as the main members of which a number of crown

In the training scheme, I outstanding performance demonstrated the presence of Zhejiang University

IV List of Social Work


1999 school year

Jiang, Zhejiang University School of团总支first secretary of the

Jiang, Zhejiang University College of the first party branch members

Jiang, Zhejiang University School of Public Mission branch pipe 981 classes


1, the success of the plan after the merger of four schools to the largest at the time of the five joint campus activities;

2, the success of the Jiang-led the institute for one semester of Campus Culture Festival and bee a new template after the previous


2000 school year

School of Management, Zhejiang University (Yuquan) Youth Federation Vice-Chairman of the Student Union, sub-deputy secretary of the munist Youth League, Marx and Lenin chief, head of youth volunteers;

Zhejiang University, the anization Department of the munist Youth League mittee, Vice-Minister;

Management College of Business Administration Mission 98 party branch secretary classes


1, for the college students to contribute to the work carried out; members responsible for preparing multi-phase, the training of activists;

2, the class was named the Mission Branch of the top ten college branch of Zhejiang University


2001 school year

School of Management (Yuquan) the President of the Student Union

School of Management undergraduate student member of the party branch publicity

Zhejiang University, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Youth Exchange Association

Zhejiang University Information Technology Services Limited, Mr Andrew Procter, Assistant General Manager


1, for the School of Management has done a lot of the work of party building efforts;

2, for the erudite, IT Development, Software Division has established a successful coverage of the 14 colleges and universities in Hangzhou and related ans of the distribution work. Colleges and universities do in a speaking tour for the pany to lay a good foundation to establish the image.



幼儿英语绕口令大全幼儿英语绕口令大全【1】 1.she sells seashells on the seashore. the seashells she sells are seashore seashells. 2.no need to light a night light on a light night...

简单小学英语绕口令简单小学英语绕口令[1] She said she should sit. She sells sea shells on the seashore. The seashells she sells are seashells she is sure. Shut up the shutters and...

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小学三年级英语绕口令AA blokes back bike brake block broke. 一个家伙的脚踏车后制动器坏了。 A box of biscuits, a batch of mixed biscuits. 一盒饼干,一炉杂饼干。 A flea and a fly flew...

小学英语课堂绕口令小学英语课堂绕口令[1] while we were walking, we were watching window washers wash washingtons windows with warm washing water. 当我们走路时,我们看着清洁窗户的人...

初中英语绕口令大全初中英语绕口令大全【1】 1、Out in the pasture the nature watcher watches the catcher. While the catcher watches the pitcher who pitches the balls. Whether the t...

英语绕口令按音标48个国际音标 绕口令 /i:/ See the breeze ,Teasing the tree ,Weing the lees ,And shaking them free . /i/ Silly Billy ! Silly Billy !Silly Billy loves Lily. Why is...
