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Basic CV

Name: Miss Zeng

Nationality: Chinese

Current location: Guangzhou

National: Han

Exit and Entry: Zhuhai

Size: 158 cm ? 45 kg

Marital status: unmarried

Age: 26 years old

Job intentions

Personnel types: ordinary job ?

Position: Administrative / Personnel category: Performance HR, business / management, ERP application implementation engineer:

Work Experience: 3 Title: No Title

Job type: Full-time arrived to date: 2 weeks

Monthly requirements: 3500 - 5000 the hope that the Working Area: Guangzhou

Personal experience

pany Name: Aviva International Trade pany beginning and ending date :2007-05


pany nature: wholly foreign-owned-owned industries: business services

Positions: design-based and work management and with a single missioner and shipping and e-merce and purchasing managers

Job deion:

1, Web site production

2, work Working

3, shipping the work of

4, with single -

5, to receive the Middle East customer

6, air tickets online

7, motorcycle and parts procurement

8, advertising work at home and abroad

9, the work of assistant general

10, motorcycle procurement management team (under 2)

11, looking outside the single -

12, for the business license of panies examined

13, special products and talent search, etc.

pany Name: Guangzhou Jinxin hardware panies beginning and ending date :2004-08


pany nature: private-owned industries: metals, minerals, fabricated metal products

Positions: Business clerks

Job deion:

1, to assist the general manager of hardware store to deal with day-to-day office administrative services

2, on the Inter to find customers, will sort out the possibility of customer data

3, the possibility of customers to send product information

4, e-mail exchange with customers

pany name: CCTV-Sofres Media Research beginning and ending date :2002-05


pany nature: Sino-foreign joint ventures in their respective professions: business services

Positions: assistant supervisors and interviewers

Job deion:

1, every Saturday to visit the family has been designated to collect television ratings visit the Table

2, the verification was to visit family visit to fill out forms and ensure that the standard form, if not up to standard forms, then on the train to visit family

3, when some families were interviewed near the end of the period of its visit, the visit was to find a new family, and their training to fill in a form

4, there has been no investigation of the designated number of places designated for one-time family television ratings visit

5, the training staff of short-term projects, the distribution of the tasks assigned to them, verification of their visit to the table, out of effective data, access to data, statistical data upload to the headquarters.

Educational background

Graduate institutions: South China University of Technology

The highest academic qualifications: Master's degree: bachelor's degree graduation date: 2009-07-01

Studies by one: enterprise management Science II: Electronic merce

By education and training experience: the termination of the start date school years (institutions) to obtain a certificate of professional certificate number

Zhuhai College of Education 2001-09 2004-07 college puter 137131200406000069

2005-02 2007-01 South China University of Technology e-merce

degree 1056142006005091

2007-09 2009-07 South China University of Technology business management graduate job

2009-03 2009-03 University, Guangdong China office management consulting firm OIA OIA certificate CCC-IA-09007

Language ability

Foreign Languages: English well

Mandarin level: the level of good Cantonese: proficient

The ability to work and other expertise

In terms of personnel:

1, to make a success of recruitment and training of preliminary preparation works (notice the layout of the scene to recruit, interview and training notice, training and related business arrangements to send and receive forms, etc.);

2, to help pay performance-related charge of the pletion of performance management, including the performance plan and assessment, and satisfaction survey and so on design, send and receive and statistical work;

3, for the new entry procedures for staff;

4, for the declaration of social security staff, change, check and other related work;

5, responsible for human resources management system maintenance;

6, the calculation of wages;

7, for a variety of industrial and mercial affairs;

8, to plete arrangements for the other higher-level work;

9, bined with post-graduate course in measurement data measurement tools.

In the work:

1, puter maintenance and management;

2, site design and management;

3, work promotion (domestic and foreign);

4, file conversion;

5, document management;

6, the work layout of the installation;

7, Graphic Design.

In a foreign language areas:

1, reception of foreign customers;

2, a simple English translation work;

In marketing:

Customer as the center wishes to analyze the pros and cons of the product or things, such as the product of marketing theory to experience and create stories, build brands,

Learn from other similar products marketing advantages, far from homogeneous, and according to the actual situation, and create self-style, use terminal block, the method of training from an early age, so that customers bee more loyal customers.

panies are in the process of ISO certification:

Business license in your circumstances to find the lowest price of the pany, assisted by a good four months for a series of procedures.

Detailed personal autobiography

In July 4, 2009 pleted a two-year postgraduate course. During these two years of time. Conscientiously study, bined with the practical things to deal with the pany and individual career planning. Perhaps my three years working experience for many people is negligible. However, I hope to engage in a good pany.

1) high value-added products, business is good, and look at their business line with the sustainable development of the ability and background;

2) a professional, smart and capable, experienced, and the realization of the management of people in the control of the pany, and has strong control of the pany;

3) There are strict financial system, the budget, cost and profit equal to the input-output-related elements, sensitive and has to control the pany;

4) A prehensive professional stringent processes and systems, and its implementation will help promote the sound development of the business has control of both their duties and the characteristics of

- To sum up, with a sustained profitability is the ability of the pany are cattle

Would like a good boss





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