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1234, West 67 Street,

Carlisle, MA 01741,

(123)-456 7890.

OBJECTIVE:Seeking an entry-level position in an Engineering Services/Documentation department


Quincy Diagnostics, Quincy, MA

May Sept 2001

Summer PlacementAssisted with the processing of document change requests for Manufacturing Procedures and Protocols. Reviewed change requests for pleteness and absence of error prior to submittal for change. Assisted with the filing, printing, issuing and copying of documents for the department and the manufacturing areas. Assisted in the pletion of urgent change requests, retrieving data or signatures necessary for the swift processing of these documents. Released new documents to the production a

reas. South Boston Medical Inc., South Boston, MA

June Sept 2000

Summer PlacementAssisted with the correction and typing of documents required for use within the production, quality and engineering departments. Processed ining change requests in order of priority. Reviewed each document for pleteness or errors. Filed and maintained technical files, change orders, validations and protocols within the department. EDUCATION:

Boston College, Boston, MA

2001 Present

BS in puter Science

Boston University, Boston

1998 2001

BS in Business and munications, Graduated with Honours.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Proficient in Microsoft Word, Excel and Access. Fluent in French and Italian. Hobbies include Swimming, Tennis, Reading, Trel.




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英文音标绕口令英文音标绕口令:音标/s/ A skunk sat on a stump. The skunk thought the stump stunk, and the stump thought the skunk stunk. 一只臭鼬坐在树墩上,臭鼬认为树墩发臭,而树墩...

英文绕口令大全超级难英文绕口令大全超级难【1】 1、did peter piper pick a peck of pickled pepper?if peter piper picked a peck of pickled pepper,wheres the peck of pickled pepper pete...

行政文员英文自荐信dear leaders: hello! when you open the resume, you he to, i opened the door to opportunity and success. thank you very much for taking the time to read my mater...

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