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[行政总监助理个人简历表格]姓 名:行政总监助理个人简历表格性 别:女民 族:汉族出生年月:1987年12月28日证件号码:婚姻状况:未婚身 高:158cm体 重:80kg户 籍:广东湛江现所在地:广东湛江毕业学校:广东省外语外贸大...+阅读


个人简历76--数学专业.doc求 职 信贵单位领导:我是***,就读于**大学,将于2000年7月毕业。现向贵单位应聘。四年的大学学习生活,培养了我严谨的思维和自学的能力,使我学会了用数学的方法,系统的观点和计算机解决实际问题。多年的社会工作,使我明白什么时候需要个人不畏艰辛去奋斗,什么时候需要与他人密切合作,共同解决问题。期望能有一与您见面的机会。以上耽搁您宝贵时间,请多见谅。***二 ○○年一月姓 名:*** 性 别 男出身日期:23/10/1977 籍 贯: 上 海专 业:*** 政治面貌:中共党员教育情况:1996.92000.6 ***大学1993.61996.6 ***中学个人能力:良好的英语听、说、写能力熟练运用OFFICE软件能用C、VFP编程掌握信息系统的理论和实现方法掌握市场、效率分析的理论和实现方法个人素质:自我激励,善于自学团队精神,良好的沟通、协调能力社会实践:19971998***英语俱乐部副主席19981999***学院组织副部长1999.71999.8***公司实习员课程设计:小型图书馆管理系统(VFP)计算机**辅助管理子系统(VFP)专业课程:办公自动化、多媒体技术、数据结构、系统仿真、数据库、管理信息系统、运筹学、统计学、决策系统工程、管理原理、市场营销、经济学、工程经济学所获奖励:1997 **学院围棋联赛亚军1998、1999 **大学排球联赛冠军1999 优秀学生干部称号兴趣爱好:网络、围棋、旅游、读书、摄影联系方法:*******各类证书将在要求下附上APPLICATIONDear Sir or Madam:I wish to apply for a position in your pany. The dttached resumegives my personal details and working experience.I wrote the application with a sense of deep humility and great pride, humility in the wake of all those big ones who he done well before me, pride in the reflection that I am young and I he chance to approach, if not a perfectrealization of this character.In the first year of the 21st century, let us cast our eyes towardsthe challenges that await us in the new century. It is our great goodfortune that time and chance he put us not only at the edge of a newcentury, in a new millennium, but on the edge of a bright new prospect in Shanghai. The promise of Shanghai was born in 1989 out of a boldconviction that we would win in the reform and openingof our country. Then in turmoil and triumph, the promise exploded onto the world stage.As a college student I he realized that I must do something now. Happiness lies not in mere possession of money, but in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative efforts. The joy and moral stimulation of work must never be fotten in the mad chase of evanescent profits.Jefferson

once wrote, There is a debt of service due from every man to his country, proportioned to the bounties which nature and fortune he measured to him. As one who has received so much from his country, I fell that debt heily, and I can never be entirely free of itI was scared because the burdens of the position stagger the imagination. But from such dread responsibility one should notshrink in fear, in self-interest, or in false humility. My responsibility, our responsibility as lucky college students is to try to give back to this country as much as it has given to us, as we continue ourjourney together.Yours Sincerely***1/2000RESUMENAME:***SEX:MaleDATE OF BIRTH:23/10/1977MAJOR:*** ManagementDEGREE AWARDED:Bachelor of engineeringPRESENT ADDRESS:***,Nanjing ChinaPHONE:***E-mail: ***EDUCATION:1996.9



1999member of the Student Union *** College,1996

1999member of the English Club at ***,1999.7

1999.8intern in ***PERSONALITY:Self-motivated, willing to learn, willing to work under pressure,Team player, good interpersonal and munication skillsABILITY:Well versed with Office software,Familiar with C, VFP ,Good at English (listening, oral, written),Master information system theory and implement,Master market research and petitive analysis tools and environmentsCOURSE PROJECT:Library management information system,*** management information system branchSPECIAL COURSE:Data Structure, Database Management System,System Simulation, Management Information System,Operations Research, Statistics, Management,Marketing, Economics, Engineering EconomicsAWARD:1998 Runner-up at go Game of *** college,1998,1999 Championship of Volleyball Match at ***,1998

1999 Excellent Student LeaderINTEREST:Go, basketball, trelling, reading, photographing*diploma will be followed on request





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