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Name: Mr. Long

Sex: Male

Date of Birth: May 1987

Marital status: unmarried

National: Han

Account: Henan Zhengzhou

Political landscape: members

Specialties: mechanical and electrical integration

Graduation Time: June 2009

Graduate institutions: Henan University of Technology

Work Experience: Internship / year

Education: tertiary

Job intentions

Work type: Full-time

Nature of units: open

Expectations of the industry: machine building, electrical and mechanical equipment, hey industry, production, manufacture, processing, fabricated metal products industry, trade, import and export of instruments, meters, industrial automation

Expectations of job: mechanical drawing, and mechanical and electrical engineers, sales representatives, sales assistants, Sawing / Lathe / Grinding / Milling Machine / Planer

Working Location: Hangzhou, Ningbo, Jiaxing, Shaoxing, Taizhou

Expectations of a monthly salary: 1000-2000


From September 2003 to June 2006 studying at the Vocational Technical School in Henan Province steel smelting professional qualifications

From March 2005 to January 2008 a student at Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology College of Further Education college degree Metallurgical Engineering

From September 2006 to June 2009 studying at the Henan University of Technology post-secondary professional education Mechatronics

Since the September 2006 self-Zhengzhou bachelor's degree in logistics management professionals

In October 2005 in Henan Province was the second industrial school scholarships

March 2006 Technical School in Henan Province was the second scholarship

June 2006 Technical School in Henan province was rated outstanding college graduates in Henan Province

In September 200

7 in Henan University of Technology was third-class scholarship

In September 2008 in Henan University of Technology was third-class scholarship

Training experience


2007-12-10 in Henan University of Technology Certification Training CAD engineers and pass the exam to obtain a Higher Certificate in CAD.

Work experience

From September 2005 to December 2005 in Henan Jiyuan Iron Steel Co. blast furnace smelting converter section foundry workshop, such as job training

From October 2006 to May 2008 metalworking practice between the schools, manual drawing and CAD Training, Training on regular motor milling machine, electronic Electrician Training, PLC Training, Microcontroller Training, Training fluid pressure, a number of Training vehicle control milling machine

2007年7 to 2007 in Jiangmen City, 9 Hardware Manufacturing Co., Ltd.裕安twist screw dental work done

From September 2007 to October 2007 delayed the Group in China lathe milling drilling machine, such as job training

From January 2008 to March 2008 in Dongguan City, Trade and International Logistics Co., Ltd. to do the storage administrator

From July 2008 to September 2008 in Dongguan City, the United States when sheet metal workers Factory gong to do

Professional skills

Would PLC, microcontroller, operating CNC machine tools, skilled operation to Word, Excel and other office software, he some writing skills and anizational management capabilities.

Other skills

Language: English (PETS-3)

puter level: General


I am diligent, steadfast, self-learning ability, and can be hard, strong hands, anti-pressure, strong munication skills, a team spirit.


Tel :0371-xxx

Address: Zhengzhou City, Henan Province on the 18th the way xxx




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