[购销合同范本模板]购销合同范本模板 红木家具购销合同书范本【1】 甲方(卖方) 乙方(买方) 维护双方合法权益,根据《中华人民共和国消费者权益保护法》,《中华人民共和国合同法》及有关规定,甲、...+阅读
I Overview
Name: XXX Sex: Male
Ethnic: Chinese political features: members
Academic qualifications (degree): Bachelor of Professional: Industrial Electric Automation
Contact Tel: 12345678 Mobile: 139000234
Contact Address: XX Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing on the 10th Zip: 100007
Email Address: 12345678&emspsohu. pager :66881122-1234
Educational background
Graduate institutions: Beijing Industrial University 1993.9 - 1997.7 Industrial Electric Automation
Majors: the principle of self-control, power drag, electronics, automatic test systems, puter anization and structure, and puter hardware and interface circuit design, assembly language programming, C.C + + programming, software engineering principles of puter works, etc.
Other: Other training
* Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer training courses: Windows NT Technology, Windows NT Enterprise, working with TCP / IP on Windows NT, Ⅱ S4.0 WindowsNT
* National levels through the examination in English, reading and translation ability on several occasions for the Machinery Industry Press translation of puter books, and has been published.
Work experience
* May 1998 --- the pany has XX
work Systems Engineer
● Cisco, IBM technical support for working products
work System (LAN and WAN) design and planning, to answer user queries, according to user needs the best solution; Cisco, IBM working products on-site debugging and system maintenance
● customer technical training, and internal and technological exchanges and training
The basic principles of work and technology: LAN, WAN, TCP / IP, ATM, as well as Cisco, IBM work equipment debugging process; on IBM AIX basic systems management and senior management, view,
HACMP, etc.
● he taken part in the project
Design, installation, missioning, Jilin 97 projects - Integrated Management System in Jilin Province ATM telemunications work and the host system, Changsha Cigarette Factory, Jinzhou cooperative banks, People's Education Publishing House information systems; the design of the Yunnan Provincial Post and Telemunications office information integration system, Radio, Film and Television in Jinan ATM broadband integrated services work, cable broadband work in Shaanxi Province.
September 1996 * March 1998 --- XX pany
System Administrator / Engineer
● CHINAGBN Inter work Information Center, systems management
Proficiency in UNIX (SUN Solaris) operating systems, work management and to participate in the formation of a CHINAGBN Inter work Center (including work design, installation system, the FBI, maintenance, work programming)
● CHINAGBN Jingqiao Six Cities work Web site building
Inter Web site to participate in the center and its overall planning and construction of the backbone work and satellite connectivity, satellite work to the backbone, X.25 packet switching, Frame Relay, ISDN and DDN and related equipment to understand
● CHINAGBN Inter work Center Web system administrator
With extensive work experience, practical responsibility seriously, and he excellent munication skills, has presided over many of the users and technical briefings and training, access to users and panies alike. Ministry of Electronics Industry in the three gold projects show exhibition style to the guests on the user group CHINAGBN green solution.
I character
Moderate, modest, self-discipline, self-confidence (based on the person's circumstances).
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