一、指导思想 实践“三个代表”重要思想,以科学发展观为指导,深入宣传《国家通用语言文字法》,增强全体师生的语言规范意识和推普参与意识,探索并创新活动形式与内容,促进推广普通话和语言文字规范化工作不断在我校深入和拓展,为构建创设我校良好的语言环境。特开展推普宣传周活动。
二、活动主题 2012年9月14日—9月20日是第十五届全国推普周,围绕“大力推广和规范使用国家通用语言文字”这一主题加大宣传力度,使全体师生认识到推广普通话对促进学校发展、提高自身素质等方面的重要意义,准确把握和全面宣传推广普通话的方针政策,让广大师生自觉在公众场合和交往中使用普通话,以适应现代社会的需要。
(三)开展各种专题活动。 1. 召开推普工作研讨会。悬挂醒目的推普周宣传标语,张贴相关宣传画。 2.“国旗下讲话”宣传国家有关推普法律法规及推普小常识。
3.开展班级文化比赛和啄木鸟小队检字活动,重点检查校园环境中的不规范字。 4.校广播站开设推普宣传节目专栏,发挥广播宣传媒体的优势,向全校师生进行大力宣传。 5.组织全校性的诵读弟子规活动,掀起学校推普高潮。 6. 举行全校学生写字比赛及教师书法作品展。 7.硬性规定教师上课,公共场所交流等必须规范用普通话进行交流。 结合校园文明建设工作,定期检查校园内用字规范化的情况及教师和学生的普通话水平,使教师和学生普通话水平全面提高,提高整体水平;学生能说标准的普通话,熟练掌握和使用应知应会的规范汉字,熟练运用汉语拼音,重视培养学生的语言文字规范意识和应用能力,使普通话成为我校的校园语言,并以此带动周边环境的改善。
First, the guiding ideology "Three Represents" important thought, guidance, thoroughly publicize the National mon Language Law "sense of participation, and enhance the awareness of staff and students of the language specification and push the S P, the form and content of exploration and innovation activities, and facilitate the promotion of the scientific concept of development Putonghua and language standardization work constantly in depth and expand my school, my school good for building the creation of the locale. Especially to carry push ordinary Awareness Week activities. Second, the theme September 14, 2012 - September 20, 2011, the Fifteenth National the Tui Puzhou, around the theme of "vigorously promote and regulate the use of the national mon language" to intensify propaganda, staff and students recognize that the promotion of Putonghua to promote school development, improve their quality and other aspects of the importance of an accurate grasp of the principles and policies and prehensive promotion of Putonghua, Mandarin teachers and students consciously use in public places and exchanges, in order to adapt to the needs of modern society. Third, the activity design (A) the establishment of the leading group to strengthen leadership of Tui Puzhou activities. (B) vigorously publicize and create an atmosphere. Around the the "Putonghua and the standardized word" theme publicity activities. LED lights show's promotion tagline on campus, windows, panels, and other forms of advocacy activities. (C) to carry out a variety of special events. 1 meeting of the workshop's promotion. Hanging the striking Tui Puzhou tagline, post posters. The. "国旗下讲话 publicity laws and regulations of the State's promotion and push the S P small mon sense. 3. Launching the Class Culture petitions and woodpeckers squad seized the word activities focus on examination of the non-standard characters in the campus environment. 4. The school offered by the radio station's promotion to publicize program column advantage of broadcasting propaganda media, to vigorously publicize to the whole school. 5. anize school-wide reading disciples regulatory activities, and set off the school's promotion to the climax. 6. Hold all students to write the petition and teachers calligraphy exhibition. 7. The mandatory school teachers, public places exchange exchange must be standardized in Mandarin. bination of campus civilization Working, check the the word standardization campus and teachers and students Putonghua Proficiency on a regular basis, the level of overall improvement, to improve the overall level of teachers and students Mandarin; students can speak standard Mandarin, proficiency and use should be aware that should the standard Chinese characters, will skillfully use Hanyu Pinyin, focus on cultivating students' language specification consciousness and ability to make Mandarin school campus language, and to give impetus to the improvement of the surrounding environment.
小学第十五届推普周致全校师生的倡议书亲爱的老师、 同学们: 在这个秋风送爽的丰收季节,我们又迎来了一年一度的“推普周”。“推广普通通话宣传周”(也叫推普周),到今年已经是第十五个年头了。 普通话传承了中华上下...
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2016年推普周活动总结二十一世纪,不仅是岁月的更替,也是新旧观念的更新。下面小编给大家带来2016年推普周活动总结,欢迎阅读! 2016年推普周活动总结 根据县教育局关于开展全国推广普通话宣传周活动...
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