

12月03日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[猜字谜语小游戏大全]猜字谜语小游戏大全【1】 红公鸡,绿尾巴,身体钻到地底下,又甜又脆营养大。 谜底 红萝卜 弟兄五六个,围着圆柱坐,大家一分手,衣服都扯破。 谜底 大蒜 身体白又胖,常在泥中藏,浑身是蜂...+阅读

小游戏猜牙签 春节过年回家,相约几个小时候的老同学在一块叙叙旧,于是我们就在酒桌上玩起了一个游戏,叫猜牙签。觉得很不错的游戏,适合在酒桌上玩,所以我就把这个游戏介绍给大家,相信大家以后用得着。 适合人数:5-10人 道具:比人数多一只的牙签数只。 游戏步骤:















4、如果有人输了,就罚酒,并由喝酒的人重新担任庄家,这样游戏就一直进行下去了,一直等到喝完全部的酒。而且是无一例外的人人都会喝,运气不好就会喝很多啦。。。。。。幸好本人近年运气好,只喝了3次,否则就会出洋相的。 Small game guess toothpick Spring Festival New Year back home, the same few hours old classmates in a talk about old times, so we he the wine on the table playing a game called guess toothpick. Very good feel of the game, playing for the wine on the table, so I put this game to introduce to you, I believe that since we need it. Suitable for 5-10 people Props: a toothpick number than the number of people only. Game steps: 1 to 7 people, for example, be prepared to eight toothpicks. Bookmaker first served by one game, the dealer will be free to take a few toothpicks on the hands, of course, can not be seen to others. 2, then the dealer let other players to guess a number. This figure is 1-8 between any of a number, if the player does not he to guess, the next player's turn to guess the dealer's hands toothpick. If you guessed the respect of the players guess drinking. If all players he not guessed by bookmakers drink. 3, for example, seven people to play with, assuming the dealer took five toothpicks in the hands, then the Banker and so asked the other six players, for example, the first player guessing 8 because there is no guess so a player would not drink. Turn to the next, the people can only guess seven numbers between 1-8 are: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and if this person guess 6 not guessed, on the turn to the next one, then the person can only guess the remaining six digits are: 1,2,3,4,5,7, if the guessed, that is, then, that the people on the the drinking. If you he not guessed, the next person's turn. Cycle know the player guessed so far, if all players he not guessed, Only Makers drinking. 4, if someone lost, on the Monastic by people who drink to re-act as a market maker, so thegame has been longer wait until drinking all the wine. And everyone, without exception, drink, bad luck will drink a lot of friends. . . . . . Fortunately recent years, I he good luck, drink 3 times, otherwise you will make a fool of.


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