

12月06日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[“珍惜粮食,文明就餐”倡议书]“珍惜粮食,文明就餐”倡议书 1 各位同事: 食堂工作是我关后勤保障的一项重要工作。自我关食堂自助式用餐改革以来,在关领导的大力支持以及主管科室、食堂膳食管理小组和工作人...+阅读

倡 议 书 亲爱的同学们: 为了节约资源,保护我们共同生活的环境,让大家学习生活的环境更舒适、优美,为了地球的美好未来,大队部向全校同学发出“节约校园行,行动我能行”的倡议。






六、生活节俭,培养良好的生活习惯,提倡合理消费、适度消费,不盲目攀比,不超前消费。 中华民族历来倡导节约,我们小学生要继承和发扬光荣传统,培养勤俭节约的好习惯,不仅有利于节约型社会的建设,也有利于自己的全面发展。希望我们每位同学以身作则,厉行节约,坚持从我做起,从现在做起,从一点一滴做起,树立节约资源的意识,养成节约资源的习惯,积极参与建设节约型和谐校园的活动中,同学们行动起来吧! Initiative books Dear students: In order to conserve resources and protect the environment we live together, so that we learn life more fortable, beautiful environment, and a better future for the Earth, the Corps issued to all students, "sing Campus, action I can do it," the initiative. Water conservation and rational use of water resources, run out of water or seen dripping faucet, please tighten found damaged and Times repair, take strict precautions against drops, leakage occurred eliminate "Changliushui". Conserve electricity, make full use of natural light, and put an end to the long light. Do when eating, after school please turn off the corresponding electrical power. Third, to reduce the use of disposable items (such as paper cups, chopsticks, plastic, convenient bags, etc.), to oid the waste of resources and environmental pollution. Sing food, "due to the measure unnecessary waste of food, oid food. V. To se paper, learn to secondary use of paper, double-sided paper. Side of used waste paper set cost sub for scratch paper, note the job with double-sided paper used for calligraphy or yourself to do some beautiful crafts. Living frugal, develop good habits, to promote the rational consumption, moderate consumption, not blind parisons, not ahead of the consumer. The Chinese nation has always advocated sing our pupils should inherit and carry forward the glorious tradition, cultivate good habits of thrift, not only conducive to the construction of a conservation-oriented society, but also conducive to the all-round development of their own. I hope every one of our students to lead by example, austerity, insist on starting with me, start now, from the start bit by bit, to foster awareness of resource conservation, to develop the habit of sing resources, to actively participate in the construction of harmonious campus-sing the activity, studentsact together!


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