

11月08日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[购销合同范本模板]购销合同范本模板 红木家具购销合同书范本【1】 甲方(卖方) 乙方(买方) 维护双方合法权益,根据《中华人民共和国消费者权益保护法》,《中华人民共和国合同法》及有关规定,甲、...+阅读


I was born in November 7th, 1966, at the town of Changing, Beijing. My parents are doing business and farming. I he one elder sister, one younger sister, and two younger brothers. The family is in a well-to-do country with harmonized atmosphere. After my elementary and junior high school education at my hometown, I went on my senior high school education at a public vocational technical high school at the neighboring county Fangshan. Courses I he taken there include: mechanical structure, applied mechanical dynamics, material strength, heat treatment analysis, and electrical engineering. I also had practice courses on lathe work, bench work, casting, engineering drawing, and electronic television repair skill. After graduation from this technical school, I found a job at the Evergreen Traffic Corp. When I had worked one year in mechanical design and heat treatment analysis, I was admitted to the puter Science Department of Beijing Institute of Technologies. puter science education was an extension of my pursuit in electronic knowledge, it had led me into the world of applied electronics. Courses I had taken are: Calculus, puter Programming (FORTRAN, COBOL, ASSEMBLY, and BASIC), puter architecture, algorithm, maintenance, system analysis, and some related courses in Accounting, Statistics, Operating research, Digital value analysis. Beginning at the second year of college, I participated in a work study program and was assigned to the puter center of Far East Textile Corp. as night-shift puter operator, The puters I dealt with were CDC 3300 MSOS and IBM 370-115 DOS/VS system. The major work I had done was the system transference of CDC 3300: MSOS to IBM 370-115 DOS/VS. In 1989, I was employed by China Automobile Corp. as a puter programmer, and was informed to work on the first of June. For the first six months of my service, I was in charge of the IBM 4331; DOS/ VSE System Operation, and later on dealt with personnel / payroll and financing system programming works. In the second year, I was promoted to be

a system analyst for personnel/ payroll system. In an attempt to upgrade the efficiency of puter data process and to simplify users operating procedures, I redesigned the whole working system and I successfully transferred a Batch operation from oriented system to on-line system. In the third year, I spent five months in the developing of subsystem of financing-accounting. No sooner had I finished that system than I was reassigned as a Subsystem Programmer in charge of DOS / VSE, CICS, and VTAM. At that position I he full responsibility for affairs of technical transition, system development, recruit training, and work munications. With the elapse of time and the accumulation of experiences, I am now familiar with all of the popular puter languages: FORTRAN, COBOL, ASSEMBLY, and BASIC. Other than these languages, I he also learned and practiced in planning, designing, and analyzing of the following puter applications: DL/ 1, Data Base, On-line (CICS, BMS), Data munication work (ACF/ VTAM / NCP), VM, DOS / VSE Operating System: Personnel / Payroll, Accounting Application System and etc.. For these achievements I owe a great deal to China Information Association Since I he taken almost every training course they he offered. With the ever-increasing level of my work, I am feeling strongly that the theoretical study and actual practice are equally important and dependent on each other. Though I personally possess many years of experiences in actual practices, there is always need for me to extend my existing theoretical basis for future research. My love for puter sciences and my inquisitiveness had pushed me to apply for your graduate school admission, and I he decided . should I be accepted by you, I will concentrate on the field of -work-data-munication, then make a breakthrough on my current ways of thinking in puter related research and development. Finally, I expect that I, myself, as one member of today's world of puter domain, I should strive to offer my best professional puter service to our society.



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