

11月11日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[钢材购销合同书范本]钢材购销合同书范本 买方:________(下称甲方) 卖方:______(下称乙方) 地址:_________ 地址:_________ 邮编:_________ 邮编:_________ 电话:_________ 电话:_________ 传真:_________...+阅读


chinese name: lei li

english name: lei li

sex: male

born: oct.13, 1984

graduated school: zhejiang university of and munications

major: secretary

mob: 1234567890

graduated: july, 2008


hobbies::playing basketball dancing,etc.



secretary major in zhejiang university of and munications

language level

good mand of english and chinese,

effective written and oral munication

puter level

proficient in the operation of excel, word and such kind of office software effectively

good at cad/ps/3d max/flash……

working experience

in my summer holiday work in the zhejiang changqing office about munication .

he good achievements。

secretary to manager

responsible for general secretarial activities, such as receiving visitors, making appointments, taking

dictation, writing letters.

social activities

freshman year: missiary in charge of studies in the class.

sophomore year: missary in charge of missary in charge of publicity

skill of work

typing proficiency: 50 wpm

can master knowledge necessary for the position in the shortest time

glad to trel frequently according to requirement

energetic in studying and working, and strong sense of responsibility

enthusiasm, good munication skill

fluent spoken and written english

glad to mit myself to a full-time team player

mature,dynamic and honest

ability to work independent1y,mature and resourcefu1.

a stable personality and high sense of responsibility are desirable.

initiative,independent and good munication skill


desired salary: ¥4,000-4,500/month ,free offer for room and board.



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