

12月20日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[夏令营总结讲话]夏令营总结讲话(1) 尊敬的各位领导、老师、同学们: 大家好! 今天,我们在这里隆重举行20xx年第北票市素质教育 第十四期夏令营闭营仪式。 在此,我代表参加夏令营活动的全体老师...+阅读



新西兰留学文书其实是你个人的广告!要重点突出,形象鲜明。仔细想想,留下深刻印象的广告哪个不是简明而富有创意的?许多申请人往往想把自己的全部优点都写出来告诉教授,觉得这样才能全面的展现自己。但是:Simple is the best,试想一下,招生教授天天都要做大量的教学工作,还要抽出时间阅读数量可观的留学申请资料,只有那种简单有力的文章才能HIT THE TARGET,让人印象深刻!我们的理念是简明而富有创意的。







As a child I often acpanied my father to his small coin shop and spent hours watching

him work. When I was older, I sometimes set up displays, waited on customers, and even balanced the books. This experience instilled in me the desire to own and manage my own business someday, yet I understand that the business world today is more plex. This plexity requires more education, and with that in mind, I am applying to the Masters of Business Administration program at Indiana University Bloomington (IUB).


In addition to my helping out in my fathers business, I he had numerous other work experiences that further enhance my qualifications for this program. My resume enumerates the various positions I he held at Kerasotes Theaters, Chilis restaurants, and Indiana Universitys new Student Recreational Sports Center (SRSC), and what all of these positions he in mon is an emphasis on serving the public effectively. Further, as an assistant manager at the Showplace 11 and a staff coordinator at the SRSC, I he gained valuable expertise in managing employees and creating work schedules. Both of these positions he allowed me to develop my sales and people skills, which are extremely important in an increasingly service-driven marketplace.


Not all of my work experience has been as a paid employee. Part of my volunteering experience at Middleway House, the local battered womens shelter, involved extensive work on puters, including word processing, anizing databases and creating spreadsheets. Also, I recently participated in an internship program for academic credit with the Eli Lilly corporation in the personnel division. As a management intern, I was able to watch the workings of a major corporation up close and would like the opportunity to bine my experiences with the theoretical background ailable in the MBA program at IUB, with its emphasis on puters, marketing and human resources.


My successful internship is one element of my overall academic success as an undergraduate here at IUB, yet I he also made time for a variety of extracurricular activities, including working for my sorority and peting in intramural basketball. My positive experiences here he resulted in my desire to stay in Bloomington to continue my academic endeors; furthermore, continuing my education here would allow me to make important business contacts, with the career goal of opening my own puter consulting firm in the Midwest.



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