

01月12日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[2016年终会议主持稿]2016年终会议主持稿【1】 同志们: 今天我们在这里,组织召开江苏省金元置业有限公司成立以来首次工作大会,总结XX年度工作,部署XX年度工作。 出席本次大会的有公司董事长、总经理...+阅读


(比赛前,主持人在幕后提醒: My friends this petition is beginning, please switch off your cell phones, thanks for your cooperation比赛即将开始,为了保证比赛的顺利进行,请您将您的手机处于关闭状态,谢谢合作!)

F: Good evening ladies and gentlemen, wele to the final of Xian Conservatory of Music 20** English Songs petition.

M: 女士们,先生们,晚上好,欢迎来到西安音乐学院2010年英语歌曲大赛决赛的比赛现场。

F: Im the hostess of tonight, Im ZHANGSHAN.

M: 站在我身边这位可爱漂亮的女主持人是张珊,我是今晚的男主持

F: In todays Grand Final(决赛) there are 18 finalists(决赛选手), they are all the winners of the preliminaries(初赛). These contestants he given very impressive performances So we know that today will be a very grueling(激烈的) petition.

M: 在今天的决赛中,将会有18名出色的选手献出他们的才艺,他们在初赛当中的表现非常的精彩,都给我们留下了深刻的印象,并成功地晋级到了今天的决赛,所以我们相信,今天的比赛将会更加的激烈与精彩!

F: Firstly, lets introduce todays honorable judges and guests. I he the great privilege(特殊荣幸) of presenting todays judges for this English Song Contest. Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. xxx from...

M: 首先,我们非常荣幸得介绍今天英语歌曲大赛的各位尊敬的评委以及来宾。女士们先生们,他们是来自的

F: Once again lets wele all the teachers and students.

M: 让我们再次以热烈的掌声欢迎各位老师以及同学们的到来。

F: Now Please(now 去掉)let (me改为us) introduce the regulations(规则) of this final.

M: 现在让我们来介绍一下今天决赛的比赛规则。

F: Alright, hing set the record straight now , why dont we just get the show on the road?

M: 好吧,既然都交代清楚了,我们何不马上开始?

F: I he a strong desire to see it. And thats exactly what we will see today. Okay, so everybody clear on whats going to happen today? Then, lets get started.

M: 我们都非常期待今天这场精彩的比赛,亲爱的各位同学们,你们准备好了吗?现在我宣布,西安音乐学院2010年英语歌曲大赛决赛,现在开始。

F: Now, Ladies and gentlemen, lets put our hands together for Contestant No.1(加to present her song歌名.)Contestant NO.2 please get ready.

M: 女士们先生们,首先出场是一号选手,她为大家带来的歌曲是,二号选手请做好准备,让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎一号选手。

F: Thank you contestant NO.1,Now,please wele contestant NO.2......Contestant NO.3 please get ready.

M: 感谢我们一号选手精彩的表现。接下来将要上场的是二号选手,她为我们带来的歌曲是,三号选手请做好准备,掌声欢迎二号选手。

F: Thank the last contestants wonderful performance. You really did a good job. Next lets wele.give some ments on our contestants performance.

M: 非常感谢我们最后一位选手的精彩的歌曲。到现在,所有的选手都完成了他们的表演,他们所有人真的是都非常非常的棒。下面,让我们由请来为我们今天的比赛以及各位选手的表现做一下点评。由请。

F: Thank you Professor . for your wonderful ments.


(去掉X: Thank you .Your words are so impressive. Thank you very much for your wonderful ments.)

F:(加at the moment, the result of todays contest he e out )

M: 到现在为止,我们今天比赛的成绩已经出来了。(本篇转载gongwen.1kejian./fanwen/1537/ )

F: let me announce the list of third prize-----------(三等奖名单) Each recipient(接受者) will be presented (赠送)...with a certificate(证书). Congratulations.

M: 现在让我们来宣布今天获得三等奖的选手,他们是他们将获得以及获奖证书。祝贺你们。

F: Lets wele Mr.to present the awards to the recipients. Thank you Mr.

M: 让我们欢迎先生来为获奖者颁奖,由请。

F: Allow me to announce the list of second prize-----------(二等奖名单) Each gainer will be presented with together with a certificate. Congratulations.

M: 现在让我们来宣布今天获得二等奖的选手,他们是他们将获得以及获奖证书。祝贺你们。

F: Lets wele Mr.award prize for these winners. Thank you Mr.

M: 让我们欢迎来为获奖者颁奖,由请。

F: Ladies and gentlemen, who will gain the first prize? Lets hold our breath,

M: 女生们先生们,谁会是今天的冠军呢?让我们屏住呼吸

F: the most lucky person tonight is------ Congratulations! He/She will be presented with an together with a certificate.

M: 今天这位最幸运的人,祝贺你!她将获得以及获奖证书。

F: Lets wele Mr.to present the awards to the recipients. Thank you Mr.

M: 让我们欢迎来为我们的冠军颁奖。

(可去掉Once again, Congratulations on your winning this honor! Today is your day, you deserve this award for your wonderful performance.)

F: Congratulations everybody. You are really excellent. Thank you for your outstanding performance.

M: 再次祝贺每位获奖选手,你们每位真是都非常的棒。谢谢今天你们为我们带来的这场精彩的演出。

F: ladies and gentlemen ,Now, Xian Conservatory of Music 20** English Song petition is ending. I know we are all deeply impressed by the wonderful songs presented by the 18 contestants. Thank you for your hard work. Boys and girls, Lets give them a big round of applause.(为参赛者鼓掌)

M: 女士们先生们,现在,西安音乐学院20**年英语歌曲大赛马上就要结束了。18位选手带来的精彩的歌曲都给我们留下了深刻的印象,他们每位选手都为今天这场精彩的演出付出了巨大的努力,让我们再次以热烈的掌声感谢他们。

{可去掉这两段Y: And I think our distinguished judges who make this contest possible deserve a big round of applause, too.(感谢裁判)(本篇转载gongwen.1kejian./fanwen/1537/ )

last but not the least, boys and girls, I think you deserve a big round of applause, too for being such good audience.(感谢听众,自己给自己鼓掌)}

F: ladies and gentlemen, honorable teachers, my fellow students Xian Conservatory of Music 20** English Song petition is close.

M: 女士们先生们,尊敬的各位老师,亲爱的同学们,西安音乐学院20**年英语歌曲大赛到此结束

F: Once again Thank you for your time. see you next year.

M: 再次感谢您的到来,让我们明年再见!



Good evening! Ladies and gentlemen,

Wele to the First Foreign Language Songs Contest of FuYang Teachers College

In may, the sunshine and drizzles of the early summer bring the silent wishes; In may, the flying flowers and butterflies present the beauty throughout the whole campus.

The youth is also spraying in such days.

To set a stage for showing the youth, we wele the First Foreign Language Songs Contest.

First in order to boom the college culture and actively promote the construction of a spiritual civilization in culture and art; the second is to motivate the students interests in learning foreign languages; the third is to show our college students qualities of foreign languages; the last is to show the spiritual look of endeoring actively and healthily.

This contest is hosted by the Foreign Language Department and undertaken by the students union of the Foreign Language Department.

First of all, please let me introduce the judges and teachers present in this contest.

They are

Lets wele them with a round of applause and also this applause is for every student here tonight.

Now please let me introduce the standards of the Marks and the arrangements of the Prizes.

The full marks for this contest are 100.

The following are the standards:

1.The requirements of healthy contents, vivid subjects and graceful melodies of the songs.

2.The requirements of singing thoroughly and fluently with an accurate pronunciation and harmonious temper.

3.The requirements of singing clearly with deep affections going with the songs.

4.The requirements of neat costume, elegant appearance and generous behiors.

For this contest, we he arranged several prizes and next are the distributions of them:

Two people are supposed to get the First-class prize, four people for the Second-class prize, six people for the third-class prize, and several people are supposed to get the excellent prize.

In addition to this, we also he arranged the prize for those who anize the contest excellently.

1.Ok, we he said so much.

Lets e to the contest.

First, lets wear the musical wings to fly in the sky.

Different people he different tastes in music.

Next, lets enjoy the song I Believe I Can Fly from No 1 player.

2 I believe I can fly.

Yes, the young people all need such confidence and courage.

I think this song was written for Mike Jodon, but for NBA, Yao Ming must be beloved by most Chinese basketball fans.

And now lets wele No.

2 player and see what she brings to us.

3 Oh, I see, it should be pretty girl.

Just as every boy has his Snowwhite, so every girl has her pretty boy.

Next lets see what is No.

3 players pretty boy

4 If the pretty boy shows us the internal beauty, then the skater boy shows us the external beauty.

Since we he seen the pretty boy, lets appreciate the skater boy from No.

4 player.

5 I think no matter what the pretty boy or skater boy is, they both are shinny.

Right, the sunshine is for us, the seasons are for us, then lets enjoy the song seasons in the sun from No 5 player.

6 The song seasons in the sun reminds me of the sunshine, warmness and our great mother----the greatest women in the world.

So next, lets feel the song womens hearts from No .

6 player.

7 People often say that women are fragile except for their affections.

I think the best thing to express it is tear.

Now lets enjoy the song tears words from No 7 player.

8 We can see these songs are all melodious.

So if we bine the most romantic language with music, what can we deduce from it.

Now, lets wele the French song ma normalelie.

9 We he heard many talks about the super girl.

What they sing are the youths dreams and on ones way to pursue the dreams there are happiness, bitterness and cooperation.

Next lets enjoy the song super girl from No 9 player.

10 Good songs are always melodious, and let alone the songs about the young.

We should love others as well as love ourselves.

Next lets enjoy the song my love.

From No 10 player.

11 For now, maybe we he appreciated the English songs thoroughly, as well as the French and Japanese songs.

But next you can feel the Moscows customs, and so lets enjoy a Russian song Moscows outskirts evening from No 11 players.

12 As a proverb says that it is natural to let things e and go.

Next lets enjoy the song the day you went away from No 12 player.

13 Different people can sing different pretty boy, but with different feelings and the same happiness.

Next lets feel the beauty of the song pretty boy from No .

13 player.

14 Usually we get nothing after hard work when we pursue some perfect things.

But when we look back we will find they are here.

A song there you will be from No.

14 player is for you.

15 During the process of pursuing, it is very hard.

Sometimes we may feel lonely, but we know keep the loneliness means wele the spring.

Now lets appreciate the song lonely from No.

15 player.

16 In fact, I think lee the loneliness to oneself is not a good thing.

We can make good use of our world.

Open the heens door to enjoy the sunshine and you will find another world.

Now lets enjoy the song knocking on the heens door from No 16 player.

17 It is natural to feel lonely and it is essential to fort ourselves through the sunshine from the paradise.

But usually we need our friends fort and so we need each other help.

Next lets wele the song I need you tonight from No .17 player.

18 Just because your pany the biggest bitterness will be shared between us and the smallest happiness will be filled with the whole world.

So the world bee a big amusement and now lets enjoy the song happy amusement from No 18 player.

19 Since we he played in the happy amusement, what about tasting the delicious fruits? Then lets enjoy the song fruit basket from No 19 player.

20 The following song is my fourite song and I cant help myself singing a piece of it .

can you guess what is it? Oh.

Thats it and next lets enjoy the song hey jude from No 20 player.

21 Hing just said goodbye to the English boy and lets enter the French girls world.

So lets enjoy the song yilian from No 21 player.

22 Judge is for the old and yilian is for the girl herself.

Then next what we are going to hear is for each others.

different songs he different stories and finally lets feel the story from No 22 player.

The last is always the most melodious.

Our contest is over going with the songs.

Many players he made deep impressions on this contest with different feelings.

Because this we will lee the rights of judgment for the judges and next lets wele the judges to make their judgments on this contest.




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