[英文绕口令]英文绕口令 1. A good cook could cook as much cookies as a good cook who could cook cookies 2. I saw a saw that could out saw any other saw I ever saw. 3. Betty...+阅读
sum up experience
sum up experience The modern city pedestrian mall landscape design is a dynamic process, in different time and different economy level of development, the people can unceasingly develop the change to the pedestrian mall landscape request,
therefore, needs us unceasingly to sum up experience, unceasingly consummates and renews our urban planning and the city landscape design theory, enhances the modern city pedestrian mall landscape design the theoretical level and the experience accumulates.
Its very important that we focus on the APOs development process and sum up experience for Chinese diplomatic policys formulation and diplomatic ideas development.
Conclusion We Should strengthen clinical nursing caring and observation, sum up experience and improve nursing quality to reduce plications.
结论:加强临床观察与护理,不断总结经验教训,提高护理质量。 减少并发症的发生。
During 1959s Mt. Lu meeting, according to Mao Zedong and the Party Central mittees original intention, they hoped to seek unity of the whole Partys knowledge of the situation, and on the premise of affirming achievement, to sum up experience and lessons, to study some concrete policies, to further correct left, and to mobilize the whole Party to fulfill 1959s task of Great leap forward.
Sum up Experience , Exploit Innovition, to Promote National Work Safety All Over the Country
1、On the basis of summarizing the experiences and lessons , the new strategy for flood management was proposed by people
2、 . formula for success so what is the secret of our success in building up a clean police force in hong kong
3、Furthermore , it suggested that our government should loosen the policy environment of ccb
4、We would research that how to construct a characteristic school if our primary and high school were characteristic schools
5、To push forward the pilot project for the cas program of knowledge innovation through summing up experience and recognizing shortings
6、Assessing and recording the performance and petency of each contractor and service provider together with any lessons learned
7、We should necessarily summarize the experience by integrating the actual implementation of conversion of the land into forestry
8、Owing to the different conditions of each country , it expounds respectively developed countries and developing countries
9、They are summing up experience and drawing lessons from the financial turmoil , and are expediting restructuring and reform
10、We must investigate the implementation of the new curriculum in order to discover problems and summarize experiences in time
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