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封面 (Title page)

0.1 企业的名称和地址Name and address of business

0.2 负责人的姓名和地址Name(s) and address(es) of principals

0.3 企业的性质Nature of business

0.4 报告机密性的陈述Statement of confidentiality

目录 (Table of contents)

1. 概述/总结 (Executive summary)

2. 行业及市场分析 (Industry analysis)

2.1 对未来的展望和发展趋势 (Future outlook and trends)

2.2 竞争者分析 (Analysis of petitors)

2.3 市场划分 (Market segmentation)

2.4 行业预测 (Industry forecasts)

3. 企业的描述 (The deion of the venture)

3.1 企业的宗旨和目标(Mission statement and objectives)

3.2 产品或服务的描述 (Deion of the product or service)

3.3 企业的规模 (Size of business)

3.4 产品的进一步开发 (Future potential/product development)

3.5 竞争优势 (petitive advantage)

3.6 办公设备和人员 (Office equipment and personnel)

3.7 创业者的背景 (Backgrounds of entrepreneurs)

4. 生产计划 (Production plan)

4.1 制造过程/被分包的数量 (Manufacturing process / amount subcontracted)

4.2 选址 (Location)

4.3 厂房 (Physical plant)

4.4 机器和设备 (Machinery and equipment)

4.5 原材料的供应情况 (Sources of raw materials to be supplied)

4.6 生产能力和提高的可能性 (Output limitations, if any, and scale-up possibilities)

4.7 质量控制计划 (Quality control plans)

5. 营销计划 (The marketing plan)

5.1 定价 (Pricing)

5.2 分销 (Distribution)

5.3 促销 (Promotion)

5.4 产品预测 (Product forecasts)

5.5 预见的涨价 (Anticipated mark-up)

5.6 竞争对手的反应 (petitors response)

5.7 市场份额预测 (Market share projection)

5.8 控制 (Controls)

6. 组织计划 (anizational plan)

6.1 所有权的形式 (Form of ownership)

6.2 合作者或主要股权所有人的身份 (Identification of partners or principal shareholders)

6.3 负责人的权利 (Authority of principals)

6.4 管理层成员的背景 (Management team background)

6.5 组织成员的角色和责任 (Roles and responsibilities of members of anization)

7. 风险与对策分析(Assessment of risks)

7.1 企业弱点的评价 (Evaluate weakness if business)

7.2 新技术 (New technologies)

7.3 应急计划 (Contingency plan)

8. 财务计划 (Financial plan)

8.1 各种业绩比率和投资回报 (Summary of performance ratios, ROI etc.)

8.2 销售预测 (Sales forecasts)

8.3 财务预测的假设 (Assumptions underpinning financial forecasts)

8.4 损益表 (Ine statement / Profit and loss statement)

8.5 预测现金流量表 (Cash flow projections)

8.6 资产负债预估表 (Pro forma balance sheet)

8.7 量本利分析 (Break-even analysis)

8.8 资金来源和运用 (Sources and applications of funds)

9. 融资需求 (Financing requirements)

9.1 融资前的活动小结 (Summary of operations prior to financing)

9.2 现在的股东和未付债款 (Current shareholders, loans outstanding)

9.3 资金需要量及时间 (Funds required and timing)

9.4 投资回报 (The deal on offer)

9.5 资本负债比率和盈利与利息比率 (Anticipated gearing and interest cover)

9.6 投资者退出方式 (Exit routes for investors)

附录 (Appendix)

1. 管理人员简历 (Management team biographies)

2. 职业咨询人员背景 (Names and details of professional advisors)

3. 技术参数和图纸 (Technical data and drawings)

4. 专利、版权、设计等 (Details of patents, copyright, designs)

5. 审计的报表 (Audited accounts)

6. 信件 (Letters)

7. 市场调研数据 (Market research data)

8. 租约或合同 (Leaser or contracts)

9. 供应商的报价单 (Price lists from suppliers)

10. 客户的订单 (Orders from customers)


business plan

成都.万汇投资管理有限公司 (86)027 87292815

table of contents

executive summary..........................






petitive advantages...................



specific markets..................................

growth strategy....................................

market size and share..........................

targeting new markets.......................


manufacturing plan................................

research development......................

historical financial data........................

proforma financial data.........................

proforma balance sheet.........................

cost control..................................

effects of loan or investment...............


executive summary

was formed as a in in , by in response to the following market conditions:

opportunities exist in .

the need for use of efficient distribution and financial methods in these overlooked markets.

he several customers who are willing to place large within the next three months.

several other prospective he expressed serious interest in doing business within six months.

previously owned a pany that was active in the widget markets. over the past few years i spent much time studying ways to improve overall performance and increase profits. this plan is a result of that study.

the basic ponents of this plan are:

1. petitive pricing

2. expand the markets

3. increased advertising

4. lower our unit costs,

5. thereby achieving higher profits.

1. sign contracts

2. increased advertising

3. increase office staff


long term

believes very strongly in technical, financial, business and moral excellence. to secure a stable future for all those connected with we he set the following long term goals:

present market is estimated at $xxx. our goal for market share is xx%.

we want to be considered by our peers to be the market leader in sales as evidenced by:

trade industry awards

high end of scale in financial ratios

major market share

technical excellence (awards, honors, etc.)

munity involvement (rotary, united way, etc.)

short term

market share goals -

1. first year xx%

2. second year xx%

3. third year xx%

4. fourth year xx%

costs through acquisition of new plant and equipment. increase productivity by investing in employee training and education.

1. budget for plete puter training for appropriate applications.

2. set up, maintain] employee benefit program for continuing college education.

3. budget for necessary seminars and/or continuing job-specific education.

4. maintain state-of-the-art accounting system for careful tracking.

5. monthly reports on financial status vis-a-vis the industry.

6. aggressive recruitment of the best technical staff in the industry.

7. support pany involvement in various local and national charity events.



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