[地雷战观后感150字]地雷战观后感150字,地雷战是一部具有教育意义的电影,地雷战观后感150字怎么写,下面带来地雷战观后感150字范文,欢迎阅读。 地雷战观后感150字[1] 今天,我和爸爸一起看了爱国主义...+阅读
Kramer vs. Kramer is a 1979 film which tells the story of a divorce and its impact on everyone involved, including the couples young son. In Kramer vs. Kramer, Joanna Kramer, a Smith College graduate, is a stay-at-home mother for her son Billy.
Feeling confined in this role, and neglected by her husband Ted, Joanna lees the marriage in order to find herself a life.
Ted, who has been focusing on his career in advertising, and was just given his agencys biggest new account, is shocked by Joannas decision and is left to raise Billy by himself.
With the help of his neighbor and Joannas friend, Margaret, Ted es to understand why his ex-wife Joanna left. In the process, he also bees more invested in raising Billy than in his job.
About a year and a half after leing, Joanna returns to New York in order to claim Billy, and a custody battle ensues. The courts side with the mother. But Joanna knows that his sons true home is with Ted, and she chooses to let Billy stay with his father.
There is an amazing cultural impact in Kramer vs. Kramer which I like best. It reflected a cultural shift that occurred during the 1970s and the period of second-we feminism, when ideas about motherhood and fatherhood were changing in American society!
高中英语作文观后感:Taylors New Album Won
Taylor Swift, an American female singer, is popular around the world. When Taylor started her career as a country singer, her talent attracted many people, because she could pose songs all on her own, so she could record her album by herself.
Taylor became a hot singer quickly, then she turned her role as a popular singer, many people criticized about her new album. They said she was not suitable to sing the popular sing, which lost her feature.
While in the newest Grammy Award, Taylors new album won many awards, which proved that her popular songs were such a success. Taylor has got the great talent in music, thats why the fans love her so much.
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观后感作文400大家看过什么精彩的电影,可以写一份观后感记录下自己的收获哦!以下是观后感作文400,请参考! 《机器人总动员瓦力》观后感【1】 电影观后感今天,我去电影院看电影。 片名是《机...
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